Thursday, February 14, 2013

Photo Art Friday - February 15

Happy Friday! - It's time for Photo Art Friday over on Bonnie's blog, Pixel Dust Photo Art.  This week the optional theme was to use Bonnie's texture:  Bamboo Dreams in our art pieces.

I wanted something that would have an Oriental feel to it for my finished piece so I went through my photo archives and came up with this photo of some Dogwood Blooms from last spring.

I cropped the photo and added the texture but it still didn't look exactly like I wanted it to so I did some more searching and came up with another photo that I thought worked in well with my idea.

This shot is part of a local Chinese restaurant that I took last summer.

I took this photo, added the texture then added the cropped photo of the Dogwood blooms and erased the blooms off the building.  I used some other adjustments on PicMonkey that once again I forgot to write down.  Once I was happy with how everything looked I saved it and below is my finished piece.  I think it turned out great and hope you do as well.

Be sure to stop by Bonnie's and check out all the other great photo art entries.
Have a wonderful weekend.


  1. I really like what you have come up with Ida. The pagoda like building and the blossoms mesh so well with the texture and produce a lovely image.

  2. it looks amazing - great composition

  3. I agree, it turned out great, very oriental in it's shape and colour. Well done

  4. Oh yes, I do like this very much. It wass a great idea to add the second photo. All pieces fit together perfectly.

  5. Love how these images were combined! Perfect for this texture too

  6. This is really super. Isn't it fun how disparate photographs taken at separate times can come together through a texture and manipulation. You really thought through this project and came out with what would be a super postcard sold at a gift store. smiles: sharon

  7. oh indeed, Ida, it is lovely. what a clever idea. I am sure that your sharing that process for you will inspire me in days to come. I have been using at least 2 photographs with textures in my daily Gratitude blog, I Love You, Currie, and just trying out things I read is great fun for me!! I am curious about "erasing the blooms" as that is a concept that escapes me.

  8. It's perfect with the Bamboo Dreams texture! :)

  9. Haaa.....sometimes I forget what I did to create my digital photos, too. I go back and forth so many times that my brain can't keep track of it all!
    Let me say that your piece this week captured the feeling perfectly. Lucky for you that the restaurant is in your town and that you didn't have to travel to Japan to get the photo!
    Great work as always!

  10. Oh so wonderful, and perfect with her texture this it!

  11. That two pictures together with the texture was very nice. Ha de gott.

  12. This is a beautiful and great photo work!

  13. Yes, good pictures, I love the end result, excellent!


  14. That's beautiful, I wish I had time to learn photoshop :-) Thank you for visiting and leaving the sweet comment.

  15. You are brilliant! I love the way you combined these photos, Ida. Well done!

  16. I totally love this layout - it is so inviting.. wow!!!

  17. Oh I like these shots. I always think the lines of a pagoda type building is so beautiful to look at. Sakura blossoms are my favourite and I hope we will have our here next month.

  18. Lovely! Your photos match up perfectly with the theme of the texture. I had a real hard time with this texture and finally opted not to use it this week. Thanks for sharing, Ida - have a great weekend!

  19. Lovely combination. The cropping and framing make an unusual and interesting composition.

  20. I liked the way you continued the chinese theme by adding the blossoms and the architecture. I like the result too! And masking around those little bits on the roof must have taken ages!

  21. Beautiful! Such quiet serenity, in perfect harmony with the texture. Really neatly done!

  22. Ida you did an old wonderful japanese postcard. Bravo!

  23. Ida- this is wonderful! I love how you highlighted the images you used.The end results looks like an old fashioned post card- fantastic. (Sorry for the delayed comment-)

  24. Oh, this is great! I love the combination of the two photos and the texture.

  25. Ida-I love that you shared the original images as well as the blended finished one. Your layout is stunning! Now I need to go read your fun and funky Valentine post-love that little piggy! :-D

  26. You are so good at this, Ida!
    Love how you combined two pictures in one masterpiece!


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