Saturday, February 16, 2013

Scavenger Hunt Sunday - February 17, 2013

Welcome.  This week went by quickly.  We celebrated Valentine's Day rather quietly with dinner at home and little gifts given out to each of the family members.  Hubby & I will go out by ourselves later this month.

So now it's time to join the fun of the Scavenger Hunt where this week the prompts were:  Candy, Pink/Red, Love, Kisses and Smile.

CANDY:  I did get some candy for V-Day but didn't photograph that.  Instead you get some of the many candy toppings available at the Frozen Yogurt shop to indulge your sweet tooth.

PINK/RED:  I had something else ready for this prompt and then today when I went to watch my great-nephew play soceer I spotted the windows of the school all decorated in Pink/Red for Valentine's Day so I just had to use that instead.

LOVE:  Jump aboard the "Love" train...One of my Valentine decorations.

KISSES:  A little humor here with one of my decorations.  (I added the words).

SMILE:  What would V-Day be without those candy hearts with the little sayings?  This one just happened to!

Do stop by Ashley's blog, Ramblings and Photos and check out the other hunt participants.


  1. Great pictures! Stopping by from the Scavenger Hunt Sunday Linkup!

  2. Cute take on kisses and the love train is sweet!

  3. Hi Ida - Very colorful candy shot - and what a perfect red and pink! Like your "Hogs and Kisses" LOL

  4. I like these photos :) How cool of the school to do that. Wish I could find those love heart candies here, we have them but just not the same! I like you 'love' shot very much x

  5. 'Hogs and Kisses' - I love it; In fact I love all of these, a lot :) Seriously, you have sweeties called Nerds? that is funny.

  6. I love your set this week, Ida --especially the one of the window with pink/red/white hearts!

  7. Love the "Love Train". Nicely captured set of images. Have a blessed Sunday.

  8. Those windows are so festive! Love how you laid out the candy heart!

  9. Fun set of shots - love the composition on your candy shot.

  10. I love the windows and the love train. Great post! Thank you for sharing!

  11. Nice bright colors in your selections, Ida! I really like the perspective of the first photo!

  12. How fun that your convo heart matches the paint swatch! Hope you had a great Valentine's.

  13. I really like your Love Train! The school windows were a perfect choice for Pink/Red! :)

  14. Great selection for this week's words - love the school window; takes me back to my days in high school when the many windows that lined the building by the bus lane would be painted each holiday.

    Happy (belated) Valentine's Day!

  15. Your love train is great! I also took pictures of conversation hearts this week. :0)

  16. Your smile shot was set up very cleverly. Your love train is pretty cool too.

  17. Oh, I could have fun with that candy! :)

  18. fun, fun, colorful set.

    good thing valentine's day has lot's of candy!! i really like your love train!!!

  19. I love pink/red! Shows lots of love!

  20. Fun, fun, fun! Love your train decoration too! So cute!


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