Thursday, February 7, 2013

Photo Art Friday - February 8, 2013

It's Friday and time to join me on a photo art journey over at Pixel Dust Photo Art.
This weeks PAF theme is: Abstract.  Bonnie provided a texture and a "recipe" of sorts for putting our pieces together.  Now I must tell you I was totally baffled by this theme and scared to post anything because I don't understand how to edit photo's in programs very well.  I'm more of a (hands-on) learner and have no one here that can show me how to do photo editing so I kind of experiment on my own the best I can.  With that said here is what I ended up with.

Original Photos:  Click to Enlarge

For my piece I used the texture Bonnie provided,
Dropped Petals along with
Blue Me Away

Now here is where the fun part comes in.  I started out using the Gimp program.  I know a little tiny bit about using this program.  I started with the Dropped Petals Texture and added the photo of the bars using Difference @70% - Then I saved the photo and used Auto Correct in my Windows program which brightened it up a little.  Next up went to PicMonkey and added the Blue Me Away texture, Hardlight at 25%.  Then I added the photo of the Violets and erased out Coleen's hand.
I ended up with this:

Since I like to add quotes I found one and added it to the piece coming up with version #2

Finally I took this photo and went to Pixlr and used the Polar Coordinates filter, Polar to Rect. and came up with Version #3 - I think this is pretty abstract looking and I like how it turned out.

This was a tough assignment but I think it turned out okay.


  1. I really like it! I know my PS, but to me the whole 'abstract art' thing was the intimidating bit... but maybe there can be a kind of freedom in not knowing where you're going, too - it lets you experiment more widely with an unprejudiced mind! Just like Bonnie wanted us to do, I guess :)

  2. Your image really called to me on the thumbnails - I love what you did, before and after the twirl

  3. I liked your final two images. Wonderfully abstract and still light and fresh

  4. the flowers tied to the fence was a beautifully clever idea and then it went whoosing round in a whirl of colour and texture. Lovely edits Ida

  5. Beautiful! I like the Violets. Very creativt. Ha de gott i helgen.

  6. Love the way you turned two very different pictures into a 3D piece of art. With the deep vibrant colors and the way the piece draws you in this would make a very neat meditation focus.

  7. nice work and I love that you added Confucius. :)

  8. Ida, I love this. The vortex is fabulous and I love that quote!

  9. I like what you have done here.

  10. I'm impressed! I didn't even do the challenge this week because I know nothing of all that you are doing with the photos. I really don't have any desire to learn either LOL - but enjoy what others have done.

  11. Very COOL!! Looks like you had fun! Great quote too! :)

  12. I think it's great. I am intrigued by the last one - loooks like a fun thing to try.

  13. I'm a huge fan of can add just the right quality to a photo. What you've done with the Abstract challenge is just wonderful. The colors are perfect for the texture we were given and the other elements you used (oh, those flowers) are a nice compliment. AND the swirl you did with the final image....brilliant!
    Thanks for YOUR comments, too. This 'challenge' was just that and why I like this group!

  14. Wow, love every started with such simple, straight on photos, and turned them into REALLY vibrant, interesting abstracts. This really worked well for you. The angled lettering is just so much fun...I will long remember it. Love the colors, the twirls and swirls everything about your various "offerings." You just did a super job and so glad I saw your work. smiles: sharon

  15. fun why to use your photos I would have not thought of a fence - way to go -- nicely done!

  16. Great work, I love the polar coordinate effect I sometimes use only 50% to get another effect, thank you for all your comments lately,I have not been able to respond to all. Cheers

  17. Oh my goodness, Ida!! You really did this amazingly well! So original and BEautimous, too!! I am undone, literally, by the fantastic way that you brought this all together in a whole that is far FAR more than the sum of its parts.

    WOW WOW WOW!!!

  18. I particularly like your first effort although the placement of the text on the second is spot on!

  19. Ida you editing those beautifully! And I think you chose well - combining Bonnie's geometric grid texture with a the grid of the cage. I like the contrast with the soft curved petal shapes too.
    I like the one without the text best - but I do like the quote!

  20. I think your final abstract turned out wonderfully! Great colors ... beautiful texture ... fabulous movement. Nice job, Ida.

  21. I really like what you did here, Ida, both before and after the final swirl. The last shot almost looks like an eye.

  22. I think it turned out beautifully! That last image is stunning, and really succeeds in meeting the "abstract" requirement. I enjoyed seeing the progression.

  23. I like the way you solved the challenge and the abstract to.
    Have a wonderful day.

  24. Ida, I love what you came up with...especially given that you're just learning! That final step (giving it a circular shape) really appeals to me - and the colors are lovely, too! Thanks so much for sharing with us. Enjoy the rest of your weekend! :)

  25. Interesting combination of elements, Ida. This turned out great - I like the swirl effect the best!

  26. Wow Ida! I love them all and the quote is beautiful. I love the deep colors you used and the bars are great.

    Thanks for dropping by.

    Capture Life!

  27. Wow - these turned out really well! Great processing.

  28. Goodness me, it is far from just OK, it is absolutely gorgeous. I love that you left the quote on the picture and then added the last effect.


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