Saturday, February 2, 2013

Scavenger Hunt Sunday - February 3, 2013

It's time to join in on the fun of Scavenger Hunt Sunday. - I must confess this week I just wasn't feeling the prompts all that much. So right up front let me just say this probably isn't my most inspired work but it is what it is.

The prompts this week were: Hidden, Plain, Left, Fast and Peace.

HIDDEN: Piglet's face is "hidden" behind his pounce and kick toy.

                                                                                                                              PLAIN: Plain potato chips to go with my sandwich.

                                                                                                                                LEFT: This one was the hardest of all and I know it's a bit lame but I had to come up with something. Yes I am "left-handed."

                                                                                                                               FAST: Another tough one. The cards are really dealt "fast" when playing Spider Solitaire on the computer.

                                                                                                                             PEACE:  The "Peace" symbol has really made a comeback, you see it on everything now. This is the front of Coleen's shirt that was featured last week for the lace prompt.

So that's it for this week. I hope next week I'll be more inspired. Do stop by Ashley's blog (Ramblings and Photos) and check out the other hunters.


  1. You had really good ideas for left and fast. I found them hard too and spent most of the week trying to think of something.

  2. It's been a loooooong time since I put potato chips on my sandwich. Nice work. Have a blessed day.

  3. Gorgeous shots! Love the left handed shot - considering you had to use your right to take the shot!

  4. Ah, cheer up! Spring will be here soon when we'll all feel more inspired. :)

  5. Fun set of shots this week!
    Happy Sunday!

  6. Ahhh...creative "left" photo! Good job this week. Some weeks are harder than others.....I'm already stumped by NEXT week's prompts!

  7. I am left-handed too.
    These are wonderful photos for the prompts, Ida.
    I especially love the first one.

  8. Oh my, Colleens shirt took me back to the 70's Peace out. LOL. Nice set. Love that first one!

  9. Lovely Piglet, I hope he is feeling much better now :)

  10. Your interpretations are great - loved the fast one - how did you get that picture?

  11. You did an excellent job with this week's words (a challenge to me as well). I love playing Spider Solitaire - you did a great job capturing the cards as they are being shuffled.

  12. Very good! I really like your "left!" :)

  13. Hi Ida
    Some weeks Scavenger H. can be a real challenge - I found myself struggling with the prompts too at times. I like your take on the prompts though, especially Plain. If there's a true vice that I have, it's potato chips and you've turned the lowly chip into a work of art - it's mouthwatering. I love that you have a kitty named Piglet, and he looks adorable. I bet I'm one of the only people in the country right now who is blog hopping instead of watching the Super Bowl! happy week to you Ida. take care now.

  14. Nice photos. I like especially the picture of the game cards, because it made me smile.

  15. Nice pictures. Love your hidden and left still works. Thanks

  16. Great choices, Ida...and now I want a sandwich! :)

  17. Ida, you are so funny with your speedy dealing and left handed...clever my dear, clever!!


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