Saturday, February 23, 2013

Scavenger Hunt Sunday - February 24, 2013

It's Scavenger Hunt Sunday time!  -  Also a shout out to my little brother,  Happy Birthday!!!

So let's join Ashley over on Ramblings and Photos for the hunt.  This week the prompts were:  Time to Eat, Getting Ready, Playtime, Sweet Dreams and Scrub-a-dub.  Some of these were very challenging.  I hope you like my interpretations.

Please click to enlarge for a better view.  Especially the collage photos.

TIME TO EAT:  I couldn't decide between 2 photo's so I combined them and you get both.  A squirrel enjoying his morning breakfast of peanuts and my mom's fish enjoying their fish food.

GETTING READY:  This was the hardest one for me.  I finally got hubby to help me out at his shop by getting ready to use his saw to cut some wood.

PLAY TIME:  Again you get more then one for this prompt because I couldn't decide which I liked better. 

This collage of Piglet playing with his new toy (an empty toilet paper roll).

or Coleen playing with her dolls.

SWEET DREAMS:  I went an entirely different route with this prompt.  Besides now I have that song stuck in my head.  You know the one...Sweet dreams are made of these, who am I to disagree...(Annie Lennox) The song has nothing to do with my photo's by the way but hey I like my interpretation better! 

SCRUB-A-DUB:  You get Snickers taking a bath, cat style.

That's it for this week.  Next week we get to do colors:  Red, Orange, Yellow, Green and Blue.  That should be fun.


  1. Haha..that squirrel eating just makes me smile...must e the chubby cheeks :)

  2. Great shots! Love the wood saw in action!

  3. Oh, I love your interpretations --especially the last two! That last one of your cat cleaning itself is a great one. You caught the action and it's perfect.

  4. I'm with you on the sweet dreams. That's what they are made of. Nice of hubby to help you out.

  5. I've had "Sweet Dreams, baby. Sweet dreams, baby!" by Roy Orbisson stuck in my head all morning.
    Love the series this week, especially Piglet with her t-p roll.

  6. I love these pictures Pat, a sneak peek inside your family world :)

  7. Great set! I particularly love the one with Coleen playing with her dolls. I miss that age with my "little" girl.

  8. I love the interpretations - your husband using the saw was great - I bet he makes you some wonderful things. Kitty was darling too.

  9. I'm struggling with this week's prompts! You did great!! Kitty is so pretty. Love the shot of sweet dreams too.

  10. What fun. Now I have that song in my head!

  11. Great job on getting ready! I love sweet dreams, that is my down fall. Happy week Ida!

  12. Nice selections, Ida! I love the shot of Piglet holding the roll...that made me laugh!

  13. Terrific job with the prompts! I love the collage of Piglet. Looks like he really likes his new toy. And the price was right...

  14. Very nicely done with this week's words.

  15. Love your take on "sweet dreams", Ida! And, my kitties love those paper tubes, too. :) Fun choices for this week!

  16. Empty toilet paper rolls make the BEST cat toys! LOL!!
    Your hubby is a real trooper for helping you out!
    LOVE your Sweet Dreams collage and I love that song too! :)

  17. Such a great collection this week. You know I am loving your kitty shots. Too cute...

  18. Oh great ideas for these prompts. Love the scrub a dub very cute. All your photo's were fun.
    I did a little walk down memory lane today. Come by and see mine.
    I am following you now. I enjoyed my visit.
    Have a great week,

  19. Piglet looks so happy playing with his toilet paper roll. That's really heart tugging cute. I never noticed before how much Coleen looks like you, but as she gets older I see quite a resemblance. Great photos again, Ida!

  20. Love your interpretations this week and adore your little cat!

  21. Perfect images for the prompts- the kitties make me smile.


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