Thursday, February 28, 2013

Photo Art Friday - March 1, 2013

Can you believe it's March already! - Only 19 days left until the 1st Day of Spring! (and my birthday).

Right now though it's time to head on over to Pixel Dust Photo Art for this weeks
Photo Art Friday.  This weeks optional theme was,  "Vintage." 

I have 2 pieces to share with you today. 

I started with this photo:

I first went to and used the watercolor feature there.  Then I went back to PicMonkey and added Bonnie's texture:  Blue Missive to the photo.  I believe I used Hardlight at 100%.  Then I used the Daguerreotype feature (Plumbe) and came up with the piece below.  It reminds me of an antique French Postcard.

Next I chose this photo of our city park's Gazebo:

For this piece I cropped the photo.  Added Bonnie's textures:  Virtually Vintage and Creative canvas.  I added a Sketched frame and a Museum Matte frame to the piece as well.

Below is the result:

Don't forget to stop by Bonnie's blog and check out the other particpants art work.

Have a great weekend. 


  1. Great processing, Ida! I really love the second one - looks just like a vintage postcard.

  2. What fun processing you have done on these photos!

  3. Like it.
    Mormor Norway.

  4. I love the vintage look on the gazebo. Wonderful. Valerie

  5. Both images are wonderful, but that first one is really something special! Love the depth of texture and partial abstraction that you achieved.

  6. I love the processing technique you used. Nice job.

  7. What a fantastic edit on those grapes! And thanks for BeFunky--can't wait to try it!

  8. Ida, I love how the grapes turned out! Great processing!

  9. outstanding, Ida!! you are so inventive and you play those various programs with brilliance!!

    really love the gazebo BEcause it reminded me of summer band concerts from a way very long time ago!!

  10. Fun edits on your pics this week, Ida!!

  11. It is so interesting - you managed to create these delightful compositions using on-line software - you rock, kiddo!

  12. the last picture is perfect!

  13. You did a great job! They both have this lovely vintage look.

  14. Look how the shadows POP off the vintage photos.....I love both of your pieces! Thanks for letting us know how you did it, too.


  15. Your editing really has turned each image into a piece of vintage art. I love that you describe the grapes as a vintage French postcard--so right on. The bandstand photo seems like it could have been taken in the late 1800s or early 1900s. I'd say you nailed this assignment!

  16. Love your processing Ida and the grapes do look very French.. Thanks for visiting my blog and leaving a lovely comment..

  17. Wow! I love these, especially the first one! Very vintage feel to it. I've not heard of Befunky, I'll be checking them out. I haven't done a lot of post-processing, but I think it's fascinating! Congrats on your new camera, I've had mine for almost two years and still have a lot to learn! Thank you for you kind comments on my blog!

  18. Hi them both. I do agree with the grapes, it does remind me of a French post card, well done!

    Thanks for visiting and for your kind words.

    Capture Life,

  19. I especially like the second looks like it could be from an old plantation scene in a movie!

  20. That Gazebo looks terrific! I need to go back and do a real vintage image. I just could not make myself take the color out of my image. Maybe just maybe I can try again. Thanks so much for stopping by!

  21. Love your processing on these Ida, and love your spring header too, gorgeous, I can't wait to see some blossom :)

  22. Hi Ida! Your photo art is stunning! I love your blog. Thank you for stopping by mine and leaving such a nice comment. I hope you're having a lovely weekend.

  23. Wonderful effects - I especially love the grapes! :)

  24. pretty, pretty, very nice vintage feel!!


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