Thursday, March 21, 2013

Photo Art Friday - March 22, 2013

Hello!  It's time once again for Photo Art Friday where you'll find a virtual gallery of awesomeness over on Bonnie's blog, Pixel Dust Photo Art.  This weeks theme was,
"Self-Portrait"...I must say this is not something I'm generally comfortable doing since I think I take lousy photo's. Bonnie said to have fun with it and after peeking at her blog she certainly had fun with the theme.  I'm afraid I wasn't that inventive. 

Wednesday was my birthday so it's been a busy week for me and I didn't have much time to play around with photos.  I did however use my tri-pod again and took some pictures and I'm happy with the end result.  I think it really shows a big part of who I am as a person.  They don't call me the "Crazy Cat Lady" for nothing you know!

  Here is the original photo:

This is me and my newest cat, Piglet (he lives next door at my mom's house)
I used a technique on BeFunky called, Underpainting on the photo first then went back to Pic Monkey and added the texture and frames.  Pretty simple editing but the result was pleasing.  I hope you like it.

Do stop by and check out the other particpants art work.  Have a great weekend.


  1. great post-processing. It added a little more depth to the original.

  2. Happiest of birthdays, Ida! I love the texture work on your photo! Nicely done!

  3. Oh yes, I find it more than pleasing and am so happy you shared it with us in spite of feeling hesitant.

    Happy Birthday, Ida!

  4. Piglet looks like a wonderful cat. Des he have a Pooh to keep him company?

  5. Hello Ida, I love what you did with this, you say 'latest cat' how many do you have?

  6. I really like that edit! Well, I really like that shot - I love the way your attention is on the cat, while the cat's attention is on the observer... so cat (and so cat person)! ;) The edit adds a story-feeling for me...if that makes sense... and I think it really fits the mood of the shot. Beautiful!

  7. What a great photo. Piglet is beautiful, and your photo shows that you love animals, and that they trust you. I think that's pretty awesome! You have a wonderful day.

  8. good for you, Ida!! I give you lots of credit for the tripod and your boldness.

    I don't think anyone things they take a good picture, meaning pictures of them are "never" good. but in your case I must disagree loudly.

    the thing of this week's PAF is that we are getting little glimpses into one another and it is a discovery process.

    I've got to explore Pic Monkey a bit more. You get some amazing effects there.

    Have a great week!!

  9. Your original photo is great....but the altered one POPS! Nicely done, Cat Lady!!!

  10. Nice one of you, a painting ;)

  11. First of all, happy belated birthday!! :)
    What a neat edit, really spiffed up an otherwise everyday photo!

  12. Nice self-portrait. Love that the cat is a part of it...obviously she's an important part of your life.

  13. Ida, a great portrait of you and your kitty!

  14. Ida I really enjoyed seeing this shot of you and your lovely kitty. Aren't cats fun to have for friends? They are so independent and seem to bring so much peace into the space they occupy. Thanks so much for sharing this lovely portrait of you!

  15. A very hApPy BiRtHdAy tO YoU!!!

    I love your portrait! You set up a tripod, and in my book that is a lot of work! You captured a moment in your photograph that is filled with sweetness. See you again next week at PAF. Give Piglet a hug for me.

  16. Nice to see who's behind the words. I,m afraid I'm not that couragous. Lovely cat. Mine are staying inside for the moment, as it's freezing cold outside.
    Have a wondrful day.
    Best whishes

  17. I love how you have enhanced the original photo. Wonderful work!

  18. Wonderful self-portrait. I like the processing! Precious Piglet!

  19. It is a great shot of the two of you. I like the texturework too.

  20. Great processing, Ida! I love the way your selfie turned out. (And belated Happy Birthday!)

  21. This is a sweet picture that paints you as a beautiful, gentle, loving person. Simply told ... I love it :)

    Andrea @ From The Sol

  22. I do like it! So nice to know you're a self-admitted "crazy cat lady." And piglet is clearly a kitty to be crazy about. The edits you applied to the original photo really made it "pop" even though the effects were subtle. Happy birthday, belatedly!

  23. Hello - I was sure I had commented on this!? I know I thought that it was such a wonderful portrait - both of you and of 'cattitude'...;) I find the edit perfect for the shot, bringing a softness and a hint of painted-ness to it... I love it!

  24. Nicely edited and a very cute photo!

  25. editing this photo this way added a warm pop and I like it..

  26. Very nice picture! I love how you added texture!


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