Saturday, March 23, 2013

Scavenger Hunt Sunday - March 24, 2013

To view my Photo Art Friday piece click on the link.

Wow it's been a busy week here.   I celebrated my birthday this week with a trip to the Wildhorse Casino along with my mom & Greta.  We had a great time and while we didn't win a lot of money we came home with pretty much as much money as we left with!  Tuesday was bowling and Wednesday was the birthday.  Lots of fun but little time for picture taking.

This week the Scavenger Hunt Sunday prompts were:
Asian, Wavy, Draw, Soft, and Texture.  So let's get started...


I received this little Asian inspired jewelry box many years ago as a gift and while the pincushion top is a little less cushiony (is that a word) now it's still very pretty.

My first idea was (Lays Wavy Potato chips) but I didn't like the way the photo turned out.  Instead I found these leaves to be rather "wavy" looking.


Coleen loves to draw but what I love is that she draws with her tongue sticking out!


Cricket's got some mighty "soft" ears and doesn't that expression just melt your heart.


Love the color and the texture of Fruity-O's cereal.


  1. Lots of great shots. That photo of your dog has me smiling.


  2. First, I'm hungry now for some fruity cereal. I love to munch on those dry.
    I think all little kids and a lot of grownups draw with their tongue out. Your Coleen reminds me of my granddaughters in that respect.
    :) - I did use chips!
    Those leaves look shiny and very healthy.
    Lovely interpretations. Have a wonderful Sunday.

  3. I really like you photos for this week. Cricket is just adorable! My brother used to do the tongue thing when he was concentrating too. Always made me laugh. I like wavy and your colourful cereal!
    Hannah x

  4. Love the little Asian could have used that for texture also. I love the way your daughter's tongue is sticking out while she draws. She must be concentrating very hard

  5. Happy (belated) Birthday. Great group of shots for this week's words. Coleen is too cute with her tongue sticking out.

  6. Happy Birthday Ida!

    Cricket has my vote for favorite photo this week.


  7. I love your daughter's expression while drawing and your puppy dog does have a very expressive face.

  8. I can't believe I didn't immediately think of Olive the pug's ears for soft. They are very soft! Terrific pics for the prompts this week. Cute pic of Coleen.

  9. Colleen looks like she is taking her artwork very seriously - so cute. I like your thinking on wavy and texture - very creative.

  10. Love your wavy leaves. I actually thought about photographing a wavy potato chip this week too, but didn't have any on hand so I went another direction as well!

  11. Very clever ideas for the prompts! Coleen's is very cute drawing with her tongue out! My grandchildren work with their tongues hanging out, too! Maybe I should try that with photography! You never know, it might help!

  12. Oh, how I love I think Cricket steals the show this week! :)

  13. All wonderful choices...but those fruity-os! Great choice for texture! I also wanted to use WAvy Lays, but Hubby ate them all!

  14. Wow! What a nice asian box! Love the picture of Coleen! And look at this sweet picture of Cricket!


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