Saturday, March 2, 2013

Scavenger Hunt Sunday - March 3, 2013

Welcome!  It's time to join in on the fun of Scavenger Hunt Sunday.  You know the drill if you've been by for the hunt at some point.  If not the idea is that we are give 5 prompts that we take pictures of and then post them on Sunday on Ashley's blog, Ramblings and Photos.

This weeks prompts were colors:  Red, Orange, Yellow, Green & Blue.


Coleen asked me to hold on to her apple while she was swinging and I set it down on the bench.  I thought the RED of the apple looked great on the RED bench that I was sitting on.  Originally I was going to use a picture of the playground equipment that was red and white but I think I'll save that for another time.


Not much ORANGE left on these old Chinese lantern plants but there's just enough to qualify them for the prompt.


My YELLOW daffodils are starting to bloom!  Yeah, spring is on the way!!!

GREEN:  Couldn't make up my mind on this prompts so you get 2 photos.

The neighbors cat, Fluffy (now known as Fluffy the Floozy, it's a long story) has lovely GREEN eyes.

Coleen in her GREEN shirt, GREEN jacket and a lot of GREEN leaves and moss.

BLUE:  This one is an Archived photo and not because I couldn't find anything blue to take a picture of.  I took this last summer and just hadn't had a chance to post and it's just to pretty not to share.

I spotted these gorgeous BLUE Morning Glory flowers one day on the way home from the library.  I had to stop and take a picture of them.  There was an entire cascade of these lovely blue flowers but I love this close-up shot of them.

Have a great week and don't forget to check out the other particpants enteries.


  1. I love Green.
    Both of them ;-)

  2. I love Green.
    Both of them ;-)

  3. The red apple shot is beautiful. Lucky you to have the daffodils coming up. It's snowing here - still.

  4. Love that apple - SO red! Green is just great too!

  5. All great shots!!! Both greens are stunning! I love the red apple on the red bench!! Morning glories are one of my favorites. I love blue flowers!!

  6. Lovely photo set. I really like the red. Nice touch, taking a bite out of the apple.

  7. Excellent job on each of these. Love the subtle orange in the plant.

  8. Lovely colorful images! I love the Chinese Lanterns. I don't believe I've ever seen in of these. I'll have to check them out!

  9. How I long for warmer days - especially after seeing all of your flowers!
    Beautiful set.

  10. Nice shot of the shiny red apple!

  11. I can understand the "green" dilemma. Love that red apple and those cat eyes. Well, they are all terrific.

  12. Beautiful photos, Ida! Nice job with the colors! Fluffy the Floozy? LOL! I won't ask.

  13. Love your red apple, and I am so jealous you have daffodils already!!

  14. Ohh that Apple wouldn't be safe with me - looks yummy. Great prompt photos!

  15. Beautiful picture of Fluffy the Floozy (hmmm…cat calls maybe?). Nice composure.

  16. Oh my goodness. These are all such great shot. I seriously can't even pick a favorite. Well done!!

  17. I think you've done well here.
    Have a nice day.

  18. I love both your GREEN photos. You cat has such pretty eyes. That RED is stunning!

    Have a wonderful week, Ida!

  19. I love your rainbow of colors and the new header picture...WOW!!

  20. Really nice group of shots, Ida. Can't decide which one I like best...the red apple is lucious, the eyes of your kitty are gorgeous, and that sweet green on Colleen is terrific

  21. ohh i love that picture of coleen! i love the cat, though, too so i could see why it'd be tough to choose.

  22. first off ida, i adore the new look. so pretty, so spring!!

    your pictures are amazing this week. orange is my favorite because it stretches my eye and has such an artsy feel!!

    and red, without the bites, would not have worked. very clever!!

  23. So simple and beautiful, Ida. I really love these!

  24. Those green cat eyes are beautiful!


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