Saturday, March 30, 2013

Scavenger Hunt Sunday - March 31, 2013


It's time to join in on the Hunt, You know the one...Scavenger Hunt Sunday!!

This weeks prompts were:  Water, Empty, Fresh, Weathered, Ordinary.  With an option to share an Easter photo in place of one of the prompts.
 I'll be presenting mine slightly out of order this week.


It rained earlier this week and I caught these "water" droplets on some of my tulips.  Don't they look lovely?


Ah Fresh pizza straight from the delivery box...Yum!

I've been wanting to use this photo for awhile now.  Yes this is an (archive) photo but hey why go take another picture of the same thing when I already had a perfectly good one to use. There is an old run down house for sale a block or so away from us.  This is the garage and on the side of it is this Fish.  Don't ask me why as I have no clue.  The fish itself is concrete.  I love the weathered look of the peeling paint.


An "Ordinary" bee enjoying the lovely spring weather today.  It got up to 71 here!

EMPTY:  (This also qualifies for an Easter photo).

Thankfully the tomb was "Empty" that Easter morn.  May God's love shine down on you this Easter filling your hearts with everlasting love.


  1. Your water shot and empty are both beautiful photos. Happy Easter!

  2. Excellent choices for the scavenger hunt. Happy Easter to you and your family.

  3. I love that fish!! I thought it was some kind of strange bees nest at first. I wish I had one to hang outside on my porch...a fish not a bees nest

  4. Beautiful post. Love that last shot. Nicely done. Happy Easter.

  5. I love weathered. I'm glad you shared it.

  6. Very nice, Ida! I really love that tulip (water) pic!

  7. That fresh pizza looks amazig (tempting during Passover!) Those tulips though are amazing!

  8. A great set!
    I love any kind of flower with waterdrops on them. Beautiful tulips.
    Even though we just finished our dinner I want a taste of pizza. :)
    Weathered is perfect. At first I didn't see the fish shape and thought it was a wasp's nest.
    I envy your 71 degrees.
    That last shot is greeting card perfect.

  9. Beautiful set of photos Ida! Looks like spring is well under way. The grass is trying to green up around here. It's still too cold for blooms.

    Ranch Wife Robyn

  10. Your tulips with the water droplets are so pretty! So is the flower with the bee!!! I love pineapple and canadian bacon pizza...can I have a slice? I thought about the empty tomb...but didn't know how to show it...very clever shot!

  11. Wonderful photos for this scavenger hunt, Ida! Really love the weathered wood, and the daffodils on the Easter script. Very nice! Hope you had a great Easter weekend!

  12. I wanted to lick my screen for that pizza! YUM!! Your water shot is amazing. Love them all!

  13. Very nice spring pictures! Love your tulips! Spring is very late in our place this year. Nothing is blooming yet.
    Pizza looks so yummy! Oh, that melting cheese!
    And what a cool fish photo!

  14. Hello Ida, You share the most wonderful photos. Hope you and your family enjoyed Easter. Your pizza photo made me hungry!

  15. What beautiful images this week, Ida. I especially love your tulip and your fish on the wall (?)...Hope you had a blessed Easter.

  16. I love these Ida (visiting a little late this week) especially that last one, the daffodil really looks good with the text :)

  17. Yes, pretty pictures! Those colors are gorgeous especially true in the first ... Good job ...!


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