Thursday, March 28, 2013

Photo Art Friday - March 29, 2013

Hi!  Welcome and by now you know that it's Friday and time to join in on the awesomeness known as, Photo Art Friday over on Bonnie's blog, Pixel Dust Photo Art.
This week virtual art gallery theme was:  Graffiti.  Now I had big plans to try and be creative with this them but alas time got away from me and it just didn't happen.  I still have a piece it's just not what I had in visioned in my head.

Please click to enlarge for a better view.

One day while I was walking around downtown I spotted these 2 doors on a building and thought they were rather interesting.  Apparently people thought they were to be used for their own personal "Graffiti".  If you look closely in the upper left corner of the left door someone scrawled:  I'm not dead. I was born today.  Act Alone.

I put the two photos side by side (sorry about the angle of the door on the right)  -  These doors were in a really weird place and it was hard to get decent photographs of them.  They are actually both about the color of the one on the right.  I did add Bonnie's texture (Cinnamon) to give them a richer/warmer feel. and also a little of the Urbane effect on Pic Monkey.

Do stop by and check out the gallery on Bonnie's blog.  You won't be disappointed.

Happy Easter to those who celebrate this weekend.


  1. Happy Easter to you too! I like the doors and what you did to them.

  2. I like the perspective of the join - like the pages of an open book on which the graffiti is to be read

  3. love these, Ida. really a clever way of sharing them, too.
    Happy Easter and just general good thoughts going your way...

  4. very unique -- fun to find images like this and then being able to use it later -- cool..

  5. Very unique find, Ida! In the case of these doors the graffiti definitely does not enhance their beauty. Imagine what they could be cleaned up - !

  6. A great job you did.
    Best whises
    Mormor Norway :)

  7. What an interesting find! The close-up makes a fine piece of photo art, with its design, graffiti, texture and paint marks. I'm glad you shared.

  8. The doors are lovely and artistic ... that people chose to be distructive on them is sad, but it does speak to some in this generation who haven't learned to repect others property. It does make for a thought provoking post, however ...

    Andrea @ From The Sol

  9. Wow! Very creative art photo with grafitti ~ ^_^

    thanks for visiting and commenting .

  10. Very nice pictures, these doors are beautiful, I wish you a happy Easter.

  11. Such interesting doors. The blank spaces do seem to invite graffiti...I wonder if that was the intent.

  12. Hi, very nice.
    Best wishes for you.
    Have a nice weekend.

  13. interesting letter in in the upper of left corner
    and angels are so lovely

  14. it´s a pitty that people destroys such nice doors. :(


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