Monday, April 29, 2013

Cattitude Monday - Sleeping Beauty

It's been some time since I posted anything for Cattitude Monday so I thought today was a good time to share some fun cat photo's again.  Well I just realized I've never done Cattitude Monday on this blog.  It was a feature I use to do from time to time on my other blog ( but since that is now strictly a stamping blog I'll just start posting my cat stuff on this one.

  I snapped a few shots the other day of some of our kitties sleeping.  So here they are:

This one is Captain Cuddles.  - I loved the way his tail is curved in this shot.

This one is Harley,  He loves the (dog bed) which is now his bed because the dog wouldn't sleep in it.

This is Miss Dottie.  She had her back turned but I liked the way the light from the window was shining on her.  Can you see why we named her, Dottie?

The others were off hiding somewhere so I didn't get pictures of them.  Don't they make wonderful Sleeping Beauties!


  1. very cute kitties, with such different, beautiful coloring!!

  2. all three are yours Ida? Each is beautiful in its own right but somehow #2 takes my pick; looking just so cosy

  3. Cute pictures! I like the way the first two have their eyes covered! :)

  4. What a beautiful furry family you have!

  5. I love cats and these pics are precious. Enjoy the weekend.

  6. These are so sweet. The kitties are always some of my favorite photos.


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