Saturday, April 27, 2013

Scavenger Hunt Sunday - April 28, 2013

Hi!  Welcome to my blog.  It's time to join in on the fun of Scavenger Hunt Sunday brought to you by the wonderful and talented Ashley from Ramblings and Photo's.  This weeks prompts are:  Walking, Yummy to my Tummy,
Favorite Toy, What I Did This Week and Anything.

So let's get started on the hunt.  Here are my interpretations:



I snapped a photo of these two ladies "walking" with a dog across the street today.

Bought something new from Jif this week,  Mocha Cappuccino Hazelnut Spread (similar to Nutella) -  Oh my it is so yummy to my tummy.  I spread some on Graham Crackers for a sweet treat.
FAVORITE TOY:  This isn't my favorite toy but I think perhaps it's hubby's and Coleen's.


WHAT I DID THIS WEEK:  Okay I did a lot of different stuff this week but buying and planting flowers seemed to be a big part of the week.  The beautiful hanging basket was an Anniversary gift from hubby.  We celebrated #21 on the 18th of this month.

ANYTHING:  Snapped this picture of a couple of ducks in a little stream just a few houses away from ours.


  1. First of all happy belated anniversary! I love that bike, what a great toy to have, and the two riders seem to agree :O)

  2. Wow - great shots all!!! What a rock'n roll papa! So cool!! :D

  3. Happy anniversary. Your garden is looking very pretty. I am looking forward to the weather warming up so I can add to the pansies on my porch.

  4. The flower beds look lovely! Such a beautiful time of the year. Coleen looks thrilled to go for a ride!

  5. Love these Ida! Especially the ducks. How neat to see them so close to home.

  6. Coleen looks like that bike just might be HER favorite toy - fun! Your flowerbed is beautiful; we're still tacking weeding out before planting - but soon. Congratulations on #21 Anniversary.

  7. Nice pics, congratulations on your anniversary!

  8. Great choices! I'm not a bike rider myself, but I do like your husband's motorcycle! You've got a great flower bed going!

  9. Why did you have to make that Jif stuff look so good? Now I need to get some.

  10. Great photos, Your flower bed looks beautiful.

  11. I don't like hazelnut, but the mocha cappuccino part sounds terrific. The motorcycle shot was my favorite this week.

  12. Great shots, Ida - love that Harley

  13. I love all the flowers and happy anniversary! Coleen looks like she is in "hog" heaven on that bike! Yum, I'll have to look for the new Jif spread. :)

  14. Nice photos from real life !!!

    Have a nice week :)

  15. Exquisite pictures, I especially like the slice of bread with chocolate! Genial!

  16. Love your duck pair photo. It sounds like fun hunting for specific things to photograph. One gets really creative with a goal in mind.

  17. Your flowers look so pretty! That new Jif spread sure looks delicious!

  18. i love these peaks into your life! cute duck tails!!

  19. My husband also has toys like that. I don't have anything to do with them. I think my camera is safer. But each to his own. Love the looks of that nutella-like substance. Yum!


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