Monday, May 13, 2013

Cattitude Monday - May 13, 2013 - Introducing Helix

Hello and Happy Monday! - If you are popping by for Scavenger Hunt Sunday please click on the link for my entry.

Today I'm sharing some photo's of another one of the neighborhood kitties.  This one belongs to the same family that own Fluffy (the new mama kitty) that I showed on SHS.  His name is Helix.  He's a shy sort of cat and at times it's very hard to get pictures of him.  I managed to snap a few one day that I liked before he got tired of the clicking of the camera and ran off.  Funny thing was unbeknownst to me one of the people we attend church with was driving by and happened to see me laying out in the yard snapping photo's of the cat.  He made a comment about it on Sunday.  You just never know who's watching you!

Relaxing on my mom's porch after his morning breakfast.

He headed for our front sidewalk and I caught a few poses before he headed off across the street.  This next one is my favorite:

"Hey lady will you put that darn camera away!"


  1. How funny! LOL! No, you just never know who's watching.

    I like your neighborhood kitty shots.:)

  2. Purrfect pictures (groan!) he looks very happy there :)

  3. That's funny about the guy from church seeing your photo shoot! :)
    Helix is sure a handsome kitty.

  4. what a cutie, love those eyes!!


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