Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Tuesday Muse - May 14, 2013, Let Your Heart Soar

Welcome & thank you for popping by. - I'm linking up again today with Nancy (A Rural Journal) for Tuesday Muse.
This past weekend was the 39th annual Hot Air Balloon Stampede here in Walla Walla.  For the past few years we haven't gotten up and went to the actual launch sight because it's always so crowded and hard to find parking, then walk to the sight. My mom just isn't able to handle doing much of that anymore so it's easier to stay home because...Generally the balloons float right over our houses so we have a front row seat.  Why I can even watch them in my bathrobe with a cup of coffee to enjoy!
This year there was a "new" balloon here that we hadn't seen before and we really liked it.   CLICK TO ENLARGE

Both of these pieces have been edited using textures from Nancy's Painted Skies collection.  I used Pic Monkey for my editing and also used a few of the editing features there. 
Have a wonderful day.


  1. Loving it Ida! Thanks for sharing at TM this week. xo

  2. I like the "added" sky for these shots! What a neat balloon and that's cool that you can see everything from the house! :)


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