Friday, May 24, 2013

Orange You Glad It's Friday #39

Hello everyone.  I hope you've all had a great week.  Mine has been "crazy" nothing major just a lot of frustrating things to deal with (calling insurance companies is such a pain!  I was "on hold" for 45 minutes on Monday), sick cats to deal with, road construction detours, waiting in lines for ever get the picture.  So yes I am glad it's Friday!

Time to share with OYGIF  I have 2 pieces today.  One is SOOC (Straight Out of Camera) with no editing.  The other was edited by adding a texture and a quote.  I hope you enjoy them.  Click to Enlarge.

Some Gerbera (fancy ones) Daisies in my mom's flower garden.  I thought about adding a texture to this but there was something about the photo that I liked just the way it was so that's what I went with.

Below is the "original" photo.  I am amazed how some cropping and adding some texture can change a not so great photo into something so beautiful.  The texture is from Lenabem-Anna (#168) and can be found HERE:

See what I mean.  This shot is not so great but the final edited version takes on a whole new life of it's own.


  1. Wow, wee! I never liked those texture things much before, but you really did a great job with this!!! It looks like the Wizard of Oz....magical!!! You just made me want to learn how to use them. I downloaded one before, but couldn't figure out what I was supposed to do with it. Are there online instructions that go step by step, I wonder?

    And your first picture is perfect just the way it pretty!

    I hope you and your family have a wonderful, safe, fun and relaxing holiday weekend...and I hope those kitties get well soon! They've been sick too long now!

  2. Sorry to hear about your not-so great week. I love all three photos. The one with the editing is amazing.

    Thanks for joining!

  3. Wow I am impressed with your edited version.

  4. wow I am impressed with your edited version.

  5. Beautiful photos, wonderful and beautiful orange globe on a sky exquisite! Greetings.

  6. I agree, the shot of the flowers is magnificent just the way it is, and your digital editing/alterations brought your quick shot into artistry level. Blessings!

  7. I love hot air balloons! Love what you did with this photo!

  8. You are so right about the photo. It is amazing. I love hot air balloons.

  9. Hi! Beautiful orange daisy shot!
    I enjoyed your ballon photos very much.
    Thank you for sharing.

  10. Love how you processed the balloon♫ Plus the flowers turned out fantastic as shot. My OYGIF:

  11. love the colors on this beach - the 'toys' and the water and the distant mountains....I usually don't like lots of treatment to a photo, but you rocked it with the balloon!

  12. Love your mom's flowers and that 2nd shot edited is fantastic!

  13. It's fun to play around with filters. I do that a lot with my iphone shots. Love the colorful balloon. thanks for visiting my OF!


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