Saturday, May 25, 2013

Scavenger Hunt Sunday - May 26, 2013

Welcome to SHS -  For those in the U.S.  I hope you have been enjoying your Memorial Day holiday weekend. 

This weeks prompts are:  Vacation (what's that?),  Food, Sound, Texture and Anything.  - Click to Enlarge Photos for more detail.

VACATION:  We haven't taken a real vacation in several years.  Most of our vacations consist of 1 day trips like the little jaunt we took on Saturday up to my brother's cabin in the mountains. 

Coleen is enjoying the view from the balcony and a vacation away from home.

FOOD(S):  My brother and his wife served up some great burgers and fixings.

SOUND:  This one is a bit of a stretch or maybe not...

One of the views from his property.

A portion of their fire pit area.  I like the contrast of the burnt wood/coals with the rusted metal rim and the concrete background and twigs.  Lots of different texture there.

I decided on this little wild flower for my "anything" shot as I have not seen anything like this before today.  It could have been used for texture too, just look at the feather like fuzz on the petals.

A Bonus Shot of Coleen with the Mushrooms (Morel's) that my brother helped her find.


  1. Your sound made me laugh! Coleen is a cutie!

  2. You did a wonderful job with these!
    The plate of food looks delicious.
    With that view I'd want to 'vacation' year round. :)

  3. I hope she is careful with those muchrooms. I think they are toxic. But can be eaten after throwing away the boiling water.

  4. That girl looks so happy and the food looks delicious ! The nature must be beautiful around there with lots of forest.

  5. Great photos and a very unusual little flower.

  6. Nothing beats a grilled hamburger and the first official cookout of the summer!


  7. Beautiful pics this week. Colleen sure is cute! And those morels look great.

  8. Great shots! I like the fire pit textures too and that flower is cool! Coleen looks pretty pleased with her haul of mushrooms! :)

  9. Colleen has beautiful eyebrows, doesn't she?! I wish mine looked like that! Love the view from your brother's cabin!!! I don't think that was a stretch at all! We have NEVER taken a vacation...not in 40 years of marriage. Hubby traveled all he wanted when his dad was in the Navy and he was growing up being moved everywhere.

  10. Great shots well done.............

  11. What a nice shots, I like to pick up mushrooms, but I don't eat them. Your forest image is great and touching.
    Thank you for visiting in my blog.

  12. I love the mountains and your trip to the cabin looks like a lot of fun. Coleen looks very happy. Such a splendid view!

  13. Looks like a lovely place to go. Thos morels that Colleen found look yummy and also Colleen has beautiful eyes! Glad you had a fun time


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