Thursday, June 13, 2013

A little "Dreamy" and a little "Orange"

It's 2-fer Friday here on my blog today.  I'll be showcasing, Orange You Glad It's Friday and after a short hiatus Bonnie, Pixel Dust Photo Art is sharing in the fun of
Photo Art Friday again.

Click to Enlarge the photo's.

First up for Orange You Glad It's Friday:

This is one of my favorite roses.  It's called, Tropical Sunset and has wonderful variegated petals that range from yellow, orange and red tones. I forgot to write down the texture that I used but I believe it is one from Nancy at A Rural Journal.

Next up on Photo Art Friday the theme this time is:  Dreamy or Ethereal.

This is a photo of one of my Clematis plants with textures added and some special effects courtesy of Pic Monkey.  I added a quote as well.  I love how this turned out.

Please drop by both Maria and Bonnie's blogs and check out the great photo's and photo art pieces.  -  Have a wonderful weekend.


  1. Your tropical sunset is stunning as well as the clematis. Love the words too.

    Have a great weekend!

  2. Thanks for reminding me of Roy Orbison.
    A lovely piece of art.
    All the best.

  3. Beautiful dreamy - you have so great macro flowers on your site.

  4. So sweet words and photo. Glad to see your blog again. Ha de gott.

  5. Oh my ... both your images made me gasp. Just gorgeous! Great editing on the second one. Bravo!!

  6. wow wow wow!!! this is practically jumping out of the screen and oh so lovely!!
    good to "meet up" again, Ida!!

  7. Wow! The Rose is so beautiful! I absolutely love the colors! And what a great touch with the texture on Clematis flowers!

  8. Both photos are beautiful. I too would like that rose with all the different colors.

  9. These are so beautiful Ida, I really love that first one :)

  10. Both of your lovely images match so well with the quotes you have chosen.

  11. o, the last one is so good. Both the flowers and editing is really great. :)

  12. What a beautiful rose! WOW!!
    I love your dreamy picture, it really turned out nice!! :)

  13. Such a pretty rose and a great photo and edit for dreamy!

  14. Beautiful edits. I love the little sparkly bits in the second one. The color of the rose is spectacular.

  15. A delicious flower, beautiful colors! Cute Pics!

  16. thank you for sharing these are both lovely photos. I really like orange roses and have a bush in full bloom. Your are right about the Seasons in the Sun song.

  17. Oh, that rose is beautiful! And I love your PAF piece - very dreamy!

    (So nice to be catching up with you again after the break from PAF!)

  18. The rose is gorgeous, Ida. I love its tropical fruit colors. And the second photo is an absolute dream!

  19. I love the way this piece just sparkles! With such a sweet quote I'd be interested to see if there was a way to add a soft white outline to the text to make it stand out a bit and make it easier to read in the darker areas of the piece. Beautiful job!

  20. What a superb image and words - Thank you Ida for sharing, and thank you for visiting my blog (Mouse Trap) - Have a great weekend!!

    Kind regards

  21. I love the second one and the quote! Beautifully edited!

  22. Both flower photos are gorgeous and your edits bring another dimension to them. What a beautiful rose! The clematis look truly as if they're from a dream realm. Nice how you underlined their meaning to you with such appropriate quotes.

  23. Oh, that is so beautifully ethereal! Exquisite editing (and now I really want to see that clematis 'live', too...)!

    I enjoyed the rose very much as well - I was shooting dahlias with similar colour schemes the other day and it's irresistible!

  24. they are beautiful!

  25. These are just glorious floral images, Ida!


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