Saturday, June 15, 2013

Focusing on Life - Edit Me Challenge

The Focusing on Life blog had an Edit Me Challenge that looked like fun so I thought I would give it a try.  Below is the Original photo and my Edited Version will follow after it.

Please click to enlarge photos:

I first enlarged the original photo and then cropped it.  Next I did a slight color adjustment to give it a more sunny feel.  Then I added a texture from Nancy at A Rural Journal called, NC0607 if you sign up for her Free Texture Newsletter you will receive these in an email.  and one from RHWest Photography called Shake.  Then I used the Orton Effect at about 50%. and added the Dropped Frame.  All textures and effects were done on Pic Monkey.


  1. ooohhhh so pretty ida!! i'm sure nancy will be so happy to see this, isn't she a doll!!

  2. Love the edits, gives it more of a sunrise feel and color! :)


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