Monday, June 3, 2013

Cattitude Monday - Guitar Kitty

Happy Monday! -  If you are here for SHS click on the link.

I'm back again with some more cat photo's for Cattitude Monday.  My hubby plays guitar and was sitting down practicing one night when Callie-Jo decided to get in on the action.  He said she started out using her paws to try and strum the guitar but I didn't get any shots of that.  When he called me in to come watch this is what I captured.

I'm not sure what song she was trying to play but it sure was funny to watch her!


  1. lol....that is hilarious! Maybe she was a musician in a former life. Maybe she is trying to let you know. :)

  2. Apparently, there's more than one way to strum a guitar.

  3. THAT! is so darn cute!!! I can't stand it!!! :) You made my night! LOL! Great photos by the way!!!!

  4. what adorable pictures, helping daddy!!

  5. Love your guitar pickin' kitty.


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