Saturday, June 1, 2013

Scavenger Hunt Sunday - June 2, 2013

Hello! -  Hope you have had a great week.  It's been pretty decent here for the most part.  No real major disaster's to deal with and halfway decent weather.  -  So without further ado let's get on with Scavenger Hunt Sunday. - This week Ashley left it wide open for the prompts.  It's Photographer's Choice for all 5 prompts.  Easy peasy huh!  -  Click to Enlarge photo's.

#1 - It's our pug, Cricket.  It's so hard to get her to stand still for pictures so when I get a decent one I'm excited about it.  Plus in this shot I got her curly little tail which I find adorable.  Love how shiny her coat looks in this shot.

#2 - Flowers from my garden.  This one is a Wartburg Star Aster (there are geraniums, petunia's and marigolds in the background.)

#3 - Some wild grasses and a local fishing pond.

#4 - A view taken from the park where the fishing pond is located.  The building in the background is the Fair Pavilion building.  Off to the left a bunch of kids were playing soccer at the Middle school and our Blue Mountains are in the background as well.  Pretty scene.

#5 - I've always wanted to attend a Roller Derby match and thankfully we have a local team here in Wally World called the,  Walla Walla Sweets and tonight was their opening match.  Sadly the team lost 146-155 in the last 45 seconds of the match.  Better then the Junior Team which played prior to the adults.  They got their butts whooped.
Don't forget to stop by Ashley's blog and check out the other participants entries for the Hunt.  Have a great week.


  1. A great set Ida!
    Your flower garden must be very lovely. I love these asters.
    I almost posted a photo of the grasses in my backyard. It was evening and the light was good. :)
    I used to watch Roller Derby with my Grandparents. My Pap loved it and I think Grandma just put up with it! Great shot!

  2. Your flower garden looks wonderful and Cricket is looking pretty sharp too. I'm glad to see that I'm not the only one fascinated with wild grass.

    Nicely done!

  3. cute pug! Love the landscape shots. Happy week to you Ida.

  4. Those roller derby girls are tough -- I don't know how they do it day in and day out. Great shots Ida!

  5. Hi Ida, great shots there, of course, we love the first one best of dear Cricket! Adorable :)

  6. What fun shots! Your pup is too cute! Love the depth of focus in so many of these!

  7. I've never been to a roller derby but it sure looks like it would be fun.

  8. I would LOVE to see some roller derby!

    And those mountains are just gorgeous!

  9. Ida,
    I understand the few and far between opportunities to capture a shot of a wiggly dog. My Boston is next to impossible! Cricket looks like a sweetheart.

    Beautiful garden flowers!


  10. Awe look at those sweet brown eyes! I adore pugs. sandie

  11. Great shots, Ida - love your garden flowers!

  12. I love the view of the pond and the view of the mountains. Lovely!

  13. Your puggy is so cute! That's a great pic of her. It's hard to get a good photo of animals with black fur. Our pug Olive says HI!!

  14. Cute line-up Ida. Love your sweet little pug...he is adorable. Your garden is looking so pretty and I love that scene. Hmm, I have never been to the roller derby, might have to try it sometime!!

  15. Nice job! I like the flowers and the pavilion building!

  16. Beautiful pictures. Honestly, i don't normally think pugs are that cute but your little guy looks pretty sweet. He's got a face with a lot of personality.

  17. Wonderful photos, I really like a lot, excellent!!

  18. I was glad to find out about Scavenger Hunt Sunday form your blog.
    Those asters are so pretty!

  19. Your flowers and fishing pond look lovely!

  20. Great pictures. Love the flowers and the fish pond. Thanks

  21. cricket is so cute, just standing there posing.
    Pretty lavender color Astors, I have always liked that flower.

  22. Very beautiful scenery shots. The roller derby must have been interesting. I never saw one either.

  23. OMG. the face on your pug Cricket is...OMG...I want to cuddle with her, just too cute. And yes, what a great curly tail.

    Love the wild grasses near the pond, I could sit there for hours and enjoy the view. Roller Derby is so fascinating to me, I can't play, but would love to watch.

  24. Great shots! Beautiful flowers--I'm a little jealous, because the only flowers I have growing so far are the ones on some overgrown lettuce in my garden. ;) Everything else is off to a sloooooooow start.

  25. Great shots! Beautiful flowers--I'm a little jealous, because the only flowers I have growing so far are the ones on some overgrown lettuce in my garden. ;) Everything else is off to a sloooooooow start.

  26. Fantastic photos! Roller derby seems like such a fun event to watch!

  27. Great set! Lovely flowers in your garden and love the shot of the wild grasses!

  28. Beautiful pictures. I really like no. 4.

  29. Beautiful pictures. I really like no. 4.


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