Friday, June 7, 2013

Orange You Glad It's Friday #41 - Could it get any cuter?

Welcome.  Another week is winding down and once again it's time to share along with Maria (Life's Sweet and Spices) for Orange You Glad It's Friday.  I had something totally different picked out to share today and then at the last minute I decided to change photo's.

Last night I stopped by the house where "Fluffy" the cat lives to check in on her and the kittens.  I was able to take a few photo's of them and am sharing one that I took of my favorite kitten from her litter.  She had 4 kittens but this little girl stole my heart.  If I didn't already have 6 cats I would take this one in a heart beat.

Don't those eyes just melt your heart.
Have a great weekend & do stop by and check out the other participants too.


  1. Fluffy is adorable! Love the eyes.

    Thanks for joining us at Orange You Glad.

  2. Adorable. I doubt you can refuse her anything.

  3. Ohhhh! What a sweetie pie!Yes! those eyes will steal your heart. Only if my son was terribly allergic to cats.

  4. Oh, my gosh! So cute! She's pretty irresistible!


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