Saturday, June 8, 2013

Scavenger Hunt Sunday - June 9, 2013

Welcome!   Thanks for stopping by. 
It's time to join in on the weekly fun of Scavenger Hunt Sunday.
Pop by Ashley's Blog (Ramblings and Photos) and join in on the fun. 
This weeks prompts were:  Dishes, Favorite Color, Sun Flare,
Expression and Sticky.  So let's get started.

Click to Enlarge

DISHES:  This one was probably the toughest one for me.  I didn't want to take a picture of dishes in the sink or dishwasher so I had to find something a little more exciting.  Stopped by a local produce and antique store today and spotted these dishes that I thought were interesting.

FAVORITE COLOR:  Self-Explanatory I think.

SUN FLARE:  Had fun with this one and loved how the shot turned out.
View Out the side door of our house.

EXPRESSION:  This one could have been so many things but I just couldn't seem to get the shots I was hoping for and decided this one of Coleen enjoying a strawberry seemed cute.

STICKY:  This one is an "archive" photo but I have been dying to use it every since I took the shot and now I finally have a reason.
I was downtown with Coleen one day and happened upon a tree with Pitch flowing down the trunk.  I love the way the sun created that little glint of light on the glob of pitch.  Which by the way is very sticky and really hard to get off your hands or clothes if you get it on you.


  1. What fun photos Ida. Love your blog's new look as well.

  2. Hi! There are various kind of photos. I like the second and third ones very much.
    Wishing you a wonderful Sunday.

  3. I just LOVE to look at your photos. Hope you have a wonderful weekend. Sandie

  4. So many fabulous shots. But my favorite has to be that color shot. I just love it. But really they are all fabulous..


  5. Those are interesting dishes. Her expression eating the strawberry is so cute.

    The pitch shot is amazing.

  6. These are great, Ida!! Have a wonderful week!

  7. Love those weave patterned dishes, you got a great sun flare, and sticky is PERFECT! I used to hate to get that stuff on my hands.

  8. Gorgeous set. Colour and sun flare are my favourites.

  9. Love your favorite color and sun flare shots! They are gorgeous. I also think you win for the best "sticky" shot. I wouldn't want to get that stuff on me!

  10. Great shots, as usual!! :)
    Love the sun flare and the sticky pitch especially!

  11. The sticky sap looked like a sculpture to me. Very cool! Colleen is so adorable no matter what she is doing! Love the dishes you chose!

  12. Great set! Love your favorite color shot!

  13. Your expression shot is wonderful!!!

  14. great set!
    Colleen eating the strawberry is priceless!

  15. Coleen looks so pensive in that shot . . . wonder what she's thinking about. Your 'Song Sung Blue' is gorgeous!

  16. Love this set! Especially the sticky photo!!!

  17. Wow! These are all great! I love Expression and Sun Flare!

  18. Love all these, Ida! My favorite color is blue also, so that's for sure a favorite! Also, love the sticky shot. Amazing capture of light!

  19. Fantastic pics. Coleen is so cute with the strawberry and the sticky photo is perfect!

  20. Wonderful photos, Ida! I would have sworn those fish dishes were yours because I remember when you shared the cat coffee cups and the whimsical side of your nature was evident. I have a whole collection of those cups, both cat and dog. Colleen has the most beautiful eyes. Love the rich, succulent, amber, oozing pitch. We do have to deal with that a lot around here and always use butter to get it off.


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