Thursday, June 27, 2013

Orange You Glad It's Friday #44

Hi,  Hope you have been having a lovely week.  It's been a weird one (well weather wise that is here)  A lot of rain for several days and then bam the high temps are about to arrive.  It was about 65 here on Monday and by this coming Monday it's expected to be 104 -  Good Grief!

With the chitchat about the weather out of the way it's time to join in with Maria (Life's Sweets and Spices) for Orange You Glad It's Friday. 

I've driven by this a number of times and have always thought...Gee I should get a picture of that but then I never seem to have my camera handy (I know I should carry it with me all the time).  So today I made a special trip just so I could take this picture.


Isn't that a snazzy color!  -  You'd certainly be noticed riding this bicycle.  Then again considering the other bikes parked next to it....

You'd probably be noticed riding them as well.

If you haven't yet checked out the post below this one please do as little Pixie is our newest edition and she's sort of a shade of orange too.

Have a great weekend and thanks for stopping by. 


  1. Those bikes look like they are straight out of the 70's! Nice!

  2. Cool! A ride on that bike would certainly brighten your day. Blessings!

  3. Love all those pretty colored bikes in a row! Great pic for "Orange You Glad..."

  4. The orange bike stands out! Thanks for sharing on OYGIF.

  5. The link for Orange You Glad week 45 is now up. I featured your orange bicycle. Hope you'd come and visit. :)


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