Saturday, June 29, 2013

Scavenger Hunt Sunday - June 30, 2013

Summer has arrived with a bang!  We went from rainy, cool 65 degree weather on Monday to 98 degree weather today with 104 expected for this coming Monday - Talk about a sudden change in climate. 

So let's get started shall we on this week's Scavenger Hunt Sunday.

The prompts this week were:  Tools, Motion, Sweet, Dots and Stripes. - Click to Enlarge photo's.

TOOLS:  -  Caught this shot of hubby last week working with some tools in our back yard area.  He kinda looks a bit weary here me thinks!

MOTION:  You get 2 for this prompt because I liked them both.

My mom's new dog, Pixie running towards me.  Look at her go!

Coleen started her summer swimming lessons this week.  - Look at her go!


Local "sweet" Bing Cherries - Yum!

DOTS:  Our cat, Dottie,  Can you figure out why we named her that?

STRIPES:  Some candy striped petunia's from my garden.  I had a little fun playing around with textures on this photo.

So that's it for me.  -  Coleen is participating this week if you'd like to check out her photo's at .

Don't forget to check in at Ashley's blog to check out the other participants.


  1. Excellent job! Cute name for your cat!

  2. Great motion shot!

  3. Great pool shot! Cherries - can't wait for them - they're my favorite.

  4. Yes, yard work tends to make the body weary indeed. Love the dots prompt. Have a blessed week.

  5. Look out olympics, here comes Coleen! Great prompts! Stay cool out there, my sister said it's brutal.

  6. Dottie is beautiful! I can see why you had a hard time choosing between the two motion shots.

  7. Nice job! Your hubs looks like he's going to collapse! Love dots the cat, and the stripes are pretty too. Happy week Ida!

  8. Great ones, Ida! Colleen looks like quite a good swimmer! Hurrah for summer swimming lessons when you get to go to the pool everyday! Also, love you interpretation of stripes...beautifully done!

  9. Oh a new header...very nice!! Love your line-up this week, especially that one of your hubby...he does look pooped!!

  10. Being a lover of all things cat, you can guess which is my favorite photo.

  11. That swim photo looks familiar :)

    Love your Dottie and your candy striped petunias.

    I commented on Coleen's blog so you can let her know I'm not some creep :).

    Your mothers cute!

  12. Fun, fun! Love the picture of your mom's new dog! How wonderful! And so glad that Coleen got into the swimming lessons - looks like she really enjoys it!

  13. I love your photos. Perfect contributions for this week.

  14. your patio work is coming along! and yes... I visited your granddaughter's blog & left a comment.
    Those cherries look tasty SWEET!

  15. I like the flower picture and quote, Ida.

    I haven't had any new crop cherries yet. They are always a big hit at our house.

    Ranch Wife Robyn

  16. I think your hubby might look weary cause that's hard work with those tools. Hope this wasn't in the 98 degree weather. :)
    Colleen is looking like a champ.
    How sweet that your Mom got a new doggie. Lovely little glint in his eye.
    Yummy looking cherries!
    I think your stripes is so perfect! I like the out of the box thought behind it.

  17. Your hubby does look beat! I hope he's not out there working in this heat wave we're havng. Not quite as hot here as there, though. We're in the high 70's - low 80's. Pretty warm for us on the coast and with no air conditioning it hard to get to sleep at night. The temp doesn't drop off much at night. I'm a wimp and want our cooler weather back! Thanks for sharing all your fabulous photos, Ida!

  18. oh no, your poor hubby does look exhausted and not liking the camera, LOL.

    Your daughter is a great swimmer. what and adorable cat and furry kids.

  19. Love the polka dotted cat! And Colleen looks like she enjoys swimming more than your husband is enjoying his yard work.

  20. Love the "tools" shot. Is your hubby in construction?

  21. Cherries have been so good!! Great job on the swimming lessons--such a great sport and exercise! Love those striped petunias!

  22. A wonderful series of photos.

  23. Your husband looks like he was just about tired of using his tools. Your dog is pretty cute and I really like the stripes. Thank you for your comment on my hunt. Hope to see you in future weeks!

  24. Oh, now I see! You have a shot of your husband with tools. LOL. Those bing cherries look delicious.

  25. Oh, now I understand. You have a photo of your husband with tools also. LOL. Those bing cherries look so appealing. It can be hard to take good food photos.


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