Saturday, June 15, 2013

Scavenger Hunt Sunday - June 16, 2013

Welcome to the hunt,  that is....Scavenger Hunt Sunday

Before we get started I want to give a shout out to all the dad's out there.  Even though mine's been gone 15 years I still miss him and will remember him by taking some flowers out to the cemetery today.  To my hubby as well,  Happy Father's Day!!!

This weeks prompts:  Summer, Dance, Laughter, Helper & Water.  Click to Enlarge

SUMMER:  Summer means many different things to people.  One of my favorite things about summer is being able to enjoy Strawberry Shortcake with fresh, local strawberries.  Yum!!!!

DANCE:  Last Sunday the kids did a few special songs complete with motions and this is one of the shots I took of them dancing around on stage.

LAUGHTER:  This shot could have fit 3 of the prompts all rolled into one but I chose to use it for laughter.

HELPER: - You might wonder what this next shot has to do with being a "helper" but I believe nature helps mankind out.

WATER:  Again not what you normally would think of for a water prompt but it works.

Pineapple, Blueberry, Banana sparkling water with fresh blueberries.  Coleen and I enjoy flavored carbonated water and this is one of the many flavors available.

Have a great day and don't forget to spend some time with your dad if you have him around still.  Life is short so cherish the time you have with your parents.


  1. Very nice work with the prompts this week.
    That shortcake looks scrumptious! I had strawberries today but no cake.
    The kids, including Coleen look like they are having a good time.
    I almost did flavored water myself. I've never put fresh fruit in it. Great idea.

  2. Beautiful, sunny, happy photos !!!

  3. That water sounds delicious! Love the picture of her in the sprinkler!

  4. Great helper shot. Bees are dwindling dangerously and we need them to help us.

  5. WOW! So many great shots this week. That strawberry shortcake looks so yummy. And what a great bee capture. Such a pretty shot..

  6. Love all the pictures! My favorite is one with the bee (Helper). Strawberry shortcake look so yummy! :)
    I adore picture of Coleen dancing in the water (Laughter).

  7. That sprinkler shot is great.

    Glad you explained about the water as I was wondering why it was that interesting color ;)

  8. Now I really want strawberry shortcake! Yum!

    Love your helper picture and it actually isn't the only bee I have seen for that prompt!

  9. The strawberry shortcake certainly screams summer and I love the shot of Coleen in the sprinkler! :)

  10. Your strawberry shortcake and water shots are fabulous. They look like magazine shots! So yummy.

  11. Love them all especially the bee shot for helper

  12. Great set of pictures. Each was well done. Summer made me smile and hungry. Thanks

  13. If I keep participating in this, I will weigh 300 lbs. Every week, someone has some delicious looking dessert I want! You are the guilty party this week! Love the bee helper...and Colleen with her precious smile!

  14. oh man woman...that first photo made me nuts with hunger...GROANS...Can I dessert for breakfast?

  15. Great photos Ida -- love those two of Colleen just bein' a kid. :)

  16. You have some very delicious pictures and beautiful colours this week.

  17. Great set this week!! I love helper! The flower is gorgeous!

  18. Fun bunch of photos. The little girl dancing looks so happy!

  19. Those strawberries look fabulous!

  20. Great set of images! I love how water brings out laughter in children; great shot! I also love your water shot; great POV!

  21. Ida...I haven't visited for awhile, and I'm sorry! LOVE your blog you have those "fringed" Gerbera daisies? I have one plant that's similar. Your images for the SHS are wonderful...such a wide variety, and such great close-ups.

  22. what a great set!! it's the "helper" bee, i do believe!!

    now please send me some of that strawberry shortcake...YUM!!!

  23. Wonderful photos, Full of joy!

  24. Now I'm hungry...and thirsty. :) A great combination of fun and beautiful shots!

  25. Now I'm hungry...and thirsty. :) A great combination of fun and beautiful shots!

  26. Now I'm hungry...and thirsty. :) A great combination of fun and beautiful shots!

  27. Now I'm hungry...and thirsty. :) A great combination of fun and beautiful shots!

  28. LOVE the helper photo! Great job!


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