Saturday, July 6, 2013

Orange You Glad It's Friday #45

Oh my gosh I completely forgot about OYGIF     

 With the 4th of July holiday things were a bit hectic so I am "late" getting in an entry.  I am honored to have been featured for the week with the Orange Bicycle photo from last week.  I have something in mind for next week but need to go photograph it first.

Today I'm sharing some "art work" of Coleen's.  She colored a picture of an Angel cat and it's certainly ORANGE!

Have a great day & thanks for stopping by.


  1. How neat! Coleen did a great job on this artwork.

    I hope I didn't pressure you to post an entry for OYGIF. Haha. But I'm glad you stopped by and joined.

    Belated Happy 4th! Hope you had a wonderful celebration.

  2. Congrats! I did love your bicycle photos last week. Colleen is quite the budding artist, herself. Great job on her litle kitty angel, and it certainly is orange!

  3. Love Coleen's artwork.


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