Saturday, July 6, 2013

Scavenger Hunt Sunday - July 7, 2013

Welcome!  -  Let's get ready to go on a Scavenger Hunt as we join Ashley (Ramblings and Photos) for Scavenger Hunt Sunday.

This weeks prompts are:  Red, White, Blue, Stars & Sparkle.


RED:  -  I have 2 photos for this prompt.  I have an archive photo that I've been wanting to use and one that I took this week.

First up the archived photo:  This was taken back in March when Coleen and I were out hunting for SHS prompt photos.  I believe there was a (red) prompt back then as well and I went with a different photo that time but still liked this one so I'm using it now.

Red Playground equipment.

RED#2:  Some Rudbeckia  flowers in my garden:

WHITE:  The blossoms on Coleen's Jalapeno Pepper plant (and a surprise visitor):

BLUE:  I was having a hard time with this prompt and then I remembered that Mike dug this up in my mom's yard:

An antique marble (these are called, Benningtons) - Isn't it cool looking.

STARS:  I got a little creative with this one as I was having trouble finding something to fit this prompt.

This is actually a portion of a patriotic T-Shirt that I have.  I used the (Orton) effect on the photo and love how it turned out.

SPARKLE:  Some of my sparkly pins that I have.

That's it for this hunt.  I hope you have enjoyed your stay and do take time to visit Ashley's blog and check out some of the other participants entries.  Have a great week.


  1. Great shots. I like the orton effect also.

  2. that is one awesome playground... my son could get lost in their for hours of fun. happy sunday

  3. Love the playground, looks fun! Great shots this week! Hope you had a lovely 4th!

  4. Love your sparkly pins! The effect you used on the stars photo is really cool. That would be great if framed.

  5. Love what you did with stars! Very nice collection this week. Have a wonderful week Ida.

  6. That marble is such a fantastic find!

  7. Great finds this that playground, really colorful and I do like your t-shirt, nice job on the editing!!

  8. Oooh! I like what you did with the flag!

  9. Your processing on the flag pic worked really well. Love that...guess it's smart to keep playing.
    I've been known to tuck in an archive shot now and then too. Not looking summer lush back in March, was it?

  10. Ida,
    Your starts photo did turn out great! Fun and creative editing.

    Ranch Wife Robyn

  11. Great items. Your Rudbeckia is so pretty. Mine is a little less pink than in previous years.

  12. You did good, girl! Love your tshirt!!!

  13. Nice shots! That's some cool looking playground equipment! I haven't seen any quite like that. Beautiful flowers and I do like the marble!

  14. Nice set! I loved the beautiful flowers

  15. Loving your photos this week. Love the way your flag turned out. Very artsy..

  16. Nice shots, Ida - love Sparkle!

  17. Nice job! I had nothing for this week and as it turned out, we lost power so even if I had had something, I couldn't have posted anyhow.

  18. all your photos are fabulous! I especially like the RED play structure! and the effects you applied to your patriotic tshirt. I have to remember to check out some PicMonkey effects... what program do you use?

  19. Great shots! I never would have guessed that your "stars" photo was a t-shirt. :) That looks like a fun playground, and I love your sparkly pins!

  20. Oh, my! Fabulous photos for this hunt! Love them all!


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