Friday, July 12, 2013

Some Random Facts and A Bit of Orange

Thought I would join Nancy (A Rural Journal) for her Random 5 Friday and of course Maria (Life's Sweets and Spices) for Orange You Glad It's Friday.

Random Fact #1 - I love flowers!  It's the doggone weeding and watering of them that I'm not all that fond of.  With summer heat in full force recently the weeds have almost taken over.  It's cooler today so perhaps a bed will get weeded (or not)!

These are Nasturtium's from my garden.  I think they are so pretty and this is my entry for OYGIF.

Random Fact #2:  Baked a Blackberry Pie yesterday (no photo of the pie because it will be used on Sunday for another Meme) but I tried a new recipe where you put Cinnamon in the filling.  Everyone seemed to like it although my mom thought it was odd putting in cinnamon. She said that's for Apple Pie, not Blackberry Pie!

Random Fact #3:  It's Muggy in the Swimming Pool where Coleen takes her lessons.  It's indoors and they keep the Temperature in the room between 80-85 degrees and I feel so stuffy sitting there watching her for the 40 minutes she swims.

Random Fact #4: Crazy Drivers drive me crazy.  The other day I was driving down the road and a Garbage truck had pulled half-way out onto the road trying to make a turn.  I decided to go past him since I had the right-of-way and the stupid guy honked his horn at me like I was doing something wrong!

Random Fact #5:  I need a hair cut badly.  My hair is so fine and thin and well it's just bugging me.  I'm thinking of a lose perm once I decided to get it done.

So that's my 5 facts and I'm sticking to them.  Do pop in on Nancy and Maria's blogs and check out everyone's photo's and facts. 

Have a great weekend!


  1. MMm.. that pie sounds mighty good! I live flowers too. So many kinds and bring so very much beauty into our world. I think a loose perm sounds just right..Have a wonderful day..Ida!

  2. Crazy drivers....amen!!! Love flowers of all kinds. I have to use hair spray to keep my fine hair from driving me crazy. I've been trying not to cut last attempt at having long hair before I die. :)

  3. the blackberries look yummy and luscious! i enjoyed my visit.

  4. Colleen has such pretty eyes! Love the pink goggles. :)

  5. Oh, yes! Been there, done that! Muggy pools while the kids do lessons, practice, whatever ...

  6. Your nasturtiums are beautiful. I can relate to your love of flowers and am also not so keen on the watering and weeding unless the weather is just right.

  7. Ida, Blackberry pie sounds yummy - I love cinnamon. That pool humidity would do me in. When you're done weeding your garden you can start on mine.

  8. I know what you mean about a hair cut. My hair is very wavy and with all the humidity we've been having it's just wild. I suppose I will wait till fall though...there's no use fighting it. It is easier not to have to dry it in the warmer months.

  9. those blackberries look delicious. i love flowers too. have a nice weekend. ( :

  10. I SOOO agree with #1, #4 and #5!! LOL!!
    I put cinnamon in almost all of my pies anymore, I really like it! :)

  11. I am a big fan of cinnamon for baking. I have a fudge recipe that calls for cinnamon and it is a huge hit!

    Even in the winter indoor pools are always muggy.

  12. Mmmm.. blackberry pie!

    Your nasturtiums are beautiful. I love orange in summer. Well, i like it all the time, but it's so vivid, 'hot' and summery!

  13. Great set! I've never done a Random 5 post. I can't think of anything to say!! I love the Nasturtiums shot! It's probably just me, but I see a lovely fairy in the tallest one. The brown near the center looks like hair, there are two eyes and lots of ruffles!

  14. You must have a beautiful garden and that pie sounds delicious. My youngest daughter was in a swim team for several years, so I have vivid memories of sitting in stuffy natatoriums too. Blessings!

  15. Great photos, Ida! Your nasturtiums are gorgeous. And that little girl is a cutie!!

  16. Love your randoms♫ Thanks for commenting on my Water Globe post! Happy week-end.

  17. Crazy drivers....UGH! And one driving a garbage truck? Yikes!

  18. Blackberry pie -- yum, yum, yum! Your berry photo is wonderful. Love the flowers, too. And Colleen is a doll!

  19. first I love your header. These a fun five, and gorgeous photo of your daughter, that indoor pool heat is okay in the winter-crazy drivers boo!..all the photos are lovely really

  20. I bet your pie was marvelous. Cinnamon might be unusual but in a good way.

  21. i love orande, not as much as purple!!

    my hair was bugging me also, i got it cut yesterday and now i look like a boy ;))

    don't say the word "short"!!

  22. Hi Ida! I love flowers too and your Nasturtium are gorgeous. Sorry for pressuring you last week. :)

    Btw, I badly need a haircut too.

    Have a wonderful weekend.

  23. what's not to love about flowers, eh? nicely done...

  24. I am with you on Number one. Four too. Drivers get me going sometimes.


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