Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Tuesday Muse - July 9, 2013

Come join me as we hop on over to Nancy's blog (A Rural Journal) for her Tuesday Muse.  She's got a lovely piece there today that you won't want to miss.  Plus many others have shared their photo's so you'll want to check them out as well.

Here is my contribution this week.

Click to Enlarge:


For this version I used Nancy's texture:  nc_Arapaho.  I edited on Pic Monkey and also added a frame called (leaves) from Pixlr.


I'm not sure what textures I used on this version as I forgot to write them down.  I know I used some Star Bokeh from Pic Monkey effects and one of their textures and the frame. 

So which version is your favorite?  Below is the original photo without edits.  I was bummed that the shadows from this shot were covered up when I added textures but I liked both the results in spite of that.


  1. These are both beautiful images, Ida!

  2. They are all very pretty, but I think I like version #1 the best :) Great editing job!

  3. I really like the second one. Very nice.

  4. I love,love,love the second image..All are so nice!

  5. Oh, Ida! Each photo is so incredibly gorgeous. These are some of my favorites ever! You could make these into posters and sell them if you were of a mind. I don't know which is my favorite, but I'm pretty in love with the first one... then I saw the second... and the original is the fabulous start of it all. Bravo!

  6. I think you did a fine job with both texture edits. I don't miss the shadows. I like the different tones in the 2 edits, too!

  7. Just wonderful Ida -- neat to see the Arapahoe texture used this way! Have a wonderful Wednesday. xo

  8. I love both of them, because they are both beautiful!

  9. I like all three versions even the unedited one, but I guess if I had to choose, I would go with the first one.

  10. I like the original best ;))

    The edits are beautiful but I'm a "natural" kinda girl!!

  11. I like the second edit. The blue catches my eye more that the first edit.

    Lovely flowers, Ida.

    Ranch Wife Robyn

  12. My favorite it the second one...the blue one...and the original! Nice job editing!


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