Saturday, August 10, 2013

SHS and Song-ography, August 11, 2013

Please join me for Song-ography where each week Kathy (You'll Shoot Your Eye Out) gives us a song to interpret through photos.  This week the song was,  Both Sides Now by Joni Mitchell.

This song is one of those introspective songs that challenges you to really think about the meaning of the words.

Click to Enlarge all photos.

Through out this song the lyrics mention Cloud's Illusions, Love's Illusions and Life's Illusions....concluding with I really don't know Clouds, Love or Life at all. 

Just so you know I've created a bit of an illusion with this photo which is actually 2 different photos (one of clouds and one of the flower) combined together.

Ashley (Ramblings and Photos) has given us the Scavenger Hunt Sunday prompts this week of:  Family, Grass, Silly, 1/2 half and Bow.

FAMILY:  Took this shot of this group of siblings today playing in the fountain at the park.

GRASS:  Another shot taken at the park today.

SILLY:  Coleen and the neighbor girl acting silly for me.

1/2 HALF:  I was wondering what I could do for this prompt and then it appeared right before my eyes at the park today....

A squirrel with only 1/2  tail.  Not sure what happened to the rest of it's tail but that's all there was just that half a stub.

BOW:  Taking some creative license with this one.

A "Ox-Bow" which is the thing over the neck of the ox.  and to be literal as well...

This sculpture is located in our local city park and could have passed for silly as well because it's really a rather comical sculpture.  On the back our the kids fighting/choking each other.  Sometime I'll have to post shots of that as well.


  1. WOW! What a creative idea to make your own illusion! Kudos for thinking outside the box my friend :). And I love the result of your morphing the two shots together. Illusions. It's what so much of life is it seems at times. Thanks for joining in Song-ography :)

  2. Oh, your illusion photo is amazing! (Visiting through Songography - have a wonderful Sunday!)


  3. Very unique idea--love the photo combination. Looks like a lovely day at the park!

  4. What a fun cloud interpretation! Gorgeous!

    That statue is a hoot and a half!

  5. You did well. Like how you tied in your edit with illusions.

  6. Your illusions art is lovely, and think we did have a similar idea. Such a cute shot of Colleen and her little friend

  7. Very creative, I love your pictures.

  8. Wow, Ida, the photo with the flowers and clouds is stunning! What a lovely picture of "illusions." That is exactly what the song is about. Your photo gives me goosebumps!

  9. Fun outing in the park and very ample supply of photos this week's photo challenges.

  10. Great shots, Ida - love those sculptures!

  11. Sweet photos...thank you for sharing, Ida! :)

  12. Your clouds and flowers are a really cool combination.

    What a fun sculpture you found in the park. I think the ox bow is a really cool interpretation of the prompt.

  13. hi Ida...i love your hydrangea photo and how you combined it with those dreamy creative! Hydrandeas are my fav flower this time of year and i love how they turn colours in the fall... I really want to try my hand at the scavenger hunt...maybe next week!

  14. Isn't it funny how easily children can be persuaded to act silly for the camera...and we both took advantage of that! :) Love the ox-bow and the turtle driving the wagon....very cute sculpture. Poor squirrel with half a tail...wonder if it got caught in a trap and fought to get away hard enough to lose part of his tail. I know coyotes will do that. My hubby hates traps because of that. So do I. Your picture of grass is very nice as well of the children playing in the fountain. Didn't you do a great job?! Yes! Oh, and about your comment on my post....I didn't care for Taylor Swift either. I took my son, who at the time was 15 years old. He was IN LOVE with her. I was amazed at her talent in person. And the girl works so HARD to entertain and be loved that you just can't help but become a fan. Seriously, if you ever get a chance, and Coleen would enjoy it, you and Coleen's mom would get a kick out of taking her and watching all the other little girls in the audience. The crowd is mostly made up of pre-teens and early teens...girls....and it's fun to watch them singing and having so much fun....and CLEAN fun....not a curse word one! :) Have a great week!!

  15. Wonderful photos! Hope you enjoy the week ahead.

  16. AWESOME!!! job this week. love your take on this song....very creative!!

  17. Terrific job! I missed this week's hunt. Maybe next week...

  18. Soft and dreamy illusion, really beautiful!

  19. Wow! Cool pictures! Love the statue one especially!

  20. Illusion photo is a real art! It looks so airy, so light!


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