Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Tuesday Muse - August 13, 2013

Joining in with Nancy (A Rural Journal) for Tuesday Muse.

Summer is starting to wind down and soon the kids will be back in school (Sept. 3) and I'll be back Bowling again but in the mean time here's a little more of the beauty Coleen & I took in at the park the other day.

Click to Enlarge - You get better detail if you do.

Edited on Pic Monkey using Bonnie's (Pixel Dust Photo Art) texture: Bamboo Dream,  a Pic Monkey Frame and a quote from Audrey Hepburn.

For those of you photo "purists" here is the photo SOOC with no editing other then my watermark.

These white Pea Hens are in our local park's Aviary, hence the chain link fence.  It's hard to get a decent shot without the fence but you can still see how beautiful and elegant this bird is.

Have a wonderful day & enjoy the beauty and elegance around you.


  1. good photos - not easy to do with a fence in the way!

  2. I love Pea Hens, their little fan hair do is elegant- there are a lot of great shots ruined by fences around us, I just don't seem to aim right, you've done well with your shots.

  3. What a gorgeous pea hen! Very beautiful and elegant. Perfect quote for the photo!

    Visiting from Tuesday Muse :)

  4. A truly elegant bird!

  5. I know you both enjoyed your visit. Beautiful photos!

  6. Love the detail of the plumage crown! Gorgeous.

  7. Great detail on the plumage crown. Beautiful.

  8. Cool bird! Love it's "hat"...looks like Audrey Hepburn. Maybe I subconsciously saw your remark about Audrey Hepburn before I thought about her, but seriously, I thought to myself that it looked like Audrey Hepburn in My Fair Lady when she goes to the ball. I must be crazy.

  9. I love the sentiment and beautiful picture!

  10. Look like something out of a fairy tale! Thanks for sharing this week Ida.

  11. It is wonderful to see the pea hen finally get some attention!

  12. He looks gorgeous, Or was it a she?
    Love your photos.


  13. What a gorgeous animal! Love your photos.


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