Saturday, August 31, 2013

Songography and SHS - Sept. 1, 2013

Hello & Welcome.  It's time to join in on the fun of Songography and Scavenger Hunt Sunday.

First up is,  Song-ography brought to by Kathy from You'll Shoot Your Eye Out.  This weeks song is:  If I Had a Million Dollars by The Bare Naked Ladies.  -  I must confess to never hearing this song until I listened to it off Kathy's blog.  I'm just not up on current musical groups I guess. 

The song is about what you would do if you had a million dollars.  Oh the possibilities...I'd love to say that I'd donate it to a worthy charity or something noble but if I was honest I'd have to say that I'd probably spend it on things like a new house, a new car, do some traveling, help out my family etc...or perhaps I'd buy one of these and ride around town like a big shot. - Not really but doesn't it look cool.

    Now let's move on to Scavenger Hunt Sunday brought to you by Ashley from Ramblings and Photo's.

This weeks prompts:  Down, Shadow, Flow, Tip and Beyond.

All prompts this week were taken at the local Fair or Fair Parade.
CLICK TO ENLARGE - The detail is so much better on this next shot if you do.

DOWN:  I love this shot.  Just look at the expressions on the faces.


This horse was doing some dance moves during the parade and I caught this shadow shot of rider and horse.


Coleen and my niece were blowing up balloons here in a race to see who could pop their balloon first.  I caught the flow of their water guns in this shot.  I'm happy to say that Coleen won and got to choose another stuffed animal for her growing collection.  She was pleased as punch.


Coleen trying unsuccessfully to not tip over in this big inflatable ball.  She had a blast in rolling around inside that ball.  Well worth the $8 I paid to let her do it.

BEYOND:  Just one of the views from beyond the top of the Ferris Wheel.

That's it for this week.  Don't forget to stop by Kathy & Ashley's blogs to check out the other participants.  Have a great week.


  1. Is that some sort of antique car made into a stretch limo? I've never seen anything like it before! Yes, it would be nice to give 1 million to a charity...but that just wouldn't make for a fun photo :). Thanks for joining in on Song-ography (FYI...I didn't know this song either, but the idea behind it s kind of universal even tho it's a newer song)

  2. These are all great !!! You capture well the nice atmosphere of this place : fun, fun, fun and colorful !

  3. Beautiful themed Scavenger Hunt. I love all of them!

  4. You would look very regal in that classy vehicle. Polish your crown.

  5. Great set! Love shadow and flow!

  6. Great set of shots! They worked perfectly for this week's prompts. Loving down and flow :D

  7. Love that limo that you might get if you had a million. Not sure what I would do, but would love the opportunity to find out!

  8. Fun shots! The tip shot is really cool, I would love to try one of those!

  9. I love your limo, great take on the song. I love how dynamic your SHS shots are.

  10. Great shots and looks like great fun and the fair too! Have a great weekend!

  11. That's the coolest car!

    Love the ball too - I'd do that!

  12. Love your shots here That is a great old "limo" and what a great shot of colleen playing in that giant beach ball. I have never seen anything like that before! Love it!

  13. The vintage car looks cool! But think about the maintenance costs over the years...!But with a million dollars - why not?

  14. I love that vehicle, whatever it is! Car-bus. So cool! Your view from the top of the ferris wheel is so fun!

  15. Looks like a great day! Boy, you wouldn't catch me anywhere near that drop ride. Wow!

  16. It's fun to dream about a million bucks! Love the Limo!

  17. what a fun hunt! I hope to make it to our state fair tomorrow with the grandsons. Pray they don't exhaust me!

  18. I am absolutely in love with the shot of your girl in the balls!! It's beautiful!

  19. You did a great job on both the challenges this week!!

  20. Fun post today. Love that shot of "down"....and she looks absolutely delighted spending your $8.

  21. Loving that limo! It looks like you had a fun week. Your Tip photo is my favorite. I love you you can see Coleen through the clear panels. That looks exhausting!

  22. What a wonderful set! I love your flow shot. What a cool capture. Beyond and down also make me long for a little bit more summer and carnival fun!

    By the way, thanks for your thoughtful comments on my blog every week. I appreciate that you spend time on each picture and take the time to buoy me up with your kind words!

  23. What a fun mobile for the song-memes and nice finds for the hunt.

  24. You always have the best and most creative photos. Wishing you and your family a great Labor Day.

  25. OMG, what an awesome ride and a great set for shs!!

  26. oh... a visit to the fair provided so many photo ops! That big ball is intriguing... I don't understand the goal but I'm sure it was worth loads of giggles.

  27. Very funny, yes, wonderful! Nice pictures!

  28. Love that limo, it would be fun to ride around in! Great shots from the Fair. Coleen looks to be having a blast rolling around in the big ball! :)

  29. Absolutely beautiful and eye catching pictures!
    Love shadow theme especially!
    Ida, thank you so much for leaving a comment on my blog.
    The stamp set I used is from Tiddly Inks (digital stamp).
    To cut an image out of die-cut you may have a look at this tutorial:

  30. The carnival looks like so much fun! I've always wanted to try one of those water-ball things, but I've never actually seen one in real life! It looks like a great time though!


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