Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Tuesday Muse - Sept. 3, 2013

Well Labor Day weekend has come and gone and while it's still officially Summer,  Fall is starting to peek around the corner saying,  "Here I Come."

Joining Nancy from A Rural Journal for Tuesday Muse.

We just celebrated our local Fair and Frontier Days and I'm sharing a shot from the Fair that I took last week when Coleen and I spent the morning there.

Click to Enlarge:

                                       Summer's Last Hoorah!

And because today is also the official start of the School year I am also sharing Coleen's back to school photos.

I can't believe how fast she is growing up.
Well it's also the official start of our Fall Bowling league so wish me luck.


  1. Your processing of the Ferris Wheel is just awesome...and Coleen is so cute and looks so ready to return to school. I have a 3rd grade grandson and yes it's very hard to see how fast they are growing....

  2. Fantastic perspective the first shot.

    she is a cute little girl for the first day of school. :)

  3. Good luck to you and Coleen! I love what you did with at ferris wheel pic. Beautiful!

  4. Colleen looks adorable in that outfit.

  5. Love the Ferris wheel and happy back to school to Coleen!

  6. The ferris wheel photo is lovely. Great editing. Congrats to Coleen -- third grade. I loved that age, and she looks happy. Wishing her a fabulous school year!

  7. ah Coleen is 'trés coquette' stylish and pretty ;-). Children do seem to get older quick without us even nothing sometimes.

  8. Love the ferris wheel shot Ida -- I'm still waiting to get a good one someday.

    And Colleen is growing up right before our eyes.

  9. I love your shot of the ferris wheel and Coleen looks so cute! How exciting to be starting 3rd grade!

  10. Coleen is lovely! My "baby" turned 21 yesterday and has started her senior year in college! Time definitely flies by!

  11. Very cute. My daughter just went away to college. It feels strange. Thanks for the visit!

  12. the ferris wheel looks like it has stitches - no wonder I like it "sew" much!

  13. Love your photos. Your daughter pictures turned out great. I can't believe summer is almost over.


  14. Coleen is very cute and her first photo has her looking older than her years. She looks like a young model in her pose.


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