Thursday, October 3, 2013

Photo Art Friday - October 4, 2013

It's Friday which means it's time for some fun.  This week I'm participating in 3 Friday Memes (Photo Art Friday,  Orange You Glad It's Friday and Random 5 Friday  -  Click on each one to be taken to that post.

 PHOTO ART FRIDAY  -  The optional theme this month is:  Sky

You can find this meme at:  Pixel Dust Photo Art - Hosted by the talented Bonnie Zieman.

I started with this original photo of a lone seagull that I took on the beach at my niece's wedding a couple of weekends ago.  This is SOOC and then there will follow some altered versions of the same photo.  I had FUN with this.  -  Click to Enlarge Photo's.

Version 1:

Version 2:

I added an overlay photo of some clouds that I took a picture of this morning and then added one of Bonnie's textures, the quote and the frame.

Played with textures and effects from Pic Monkey for this one:

VERSION 4:  This one is my personal favorite.  It's the same Seagull shot with an overlay of an ocean shot that I took and a cloud texture by, Lenabem-Anna.

The other 2 Memes ( Orange You Glad It's Friday and Random 5 Friday) will also feature a Sky Photo if you want to check them out.


  1. Really beautiful texture work, Ida! I love the last one version.

  2. Love the last one and you've got great quotes for all of them

  3. Your edits are really pretty! They each have their own personality.

  4. oh i really love this edit and unlike so many people, i adore seagulls.

    this is beautiful ida, well done!!

  5. Hi Ida, gosh it's been ages since I went bowling and I used to really enjoy it. I think the problem is that there used to be a ten pin bowling place but that shut down and now there only is a five pin small place close by. Vancouver seems to be more suited to outdoor sports. The closest ten pin is about 20 miles away form me. :( But still I think I'll make an effort to get out there and have a go. I'm not that good but still love to have fun. That sucks about Ziva! They should have thrown way more money at her to stay for this final season...darn!

  6. Love the different edits!

  7. Hey, Ida . . . I used the same Emerson quote in my post. Great minds, eh. Awesome texture work.

  8. after looking at them for a while I find the last one is my favourite. I like the old fashioned style. :)

  9. Beautiful! Well done! Ha de gott

  10. This is beautiful work, Ida.

  11. Love your photo edits - beautiful!I only did bowling, because my son requested it for his birthday! Not my cup of tea, lol! Thanks for coming by my blog earlier:)

  12. Lovely.
    Especially th last one.
    Have a nice day.

  13. Your digital work always inspires me, Ida. You have taken a photo and made it into several pieces of art. The last one is lovely and makes me want to apply some scratch textures to some of my pics.

  14. hello Ida~! it's been a while since i've visited and i'm loving your photo edits~!!
    with the one beautiful shot of a lone sea gull in a cloudless blue sky you have created several amazing images. I really like the quotes that you have used too.
    it's very hard to pick a favorite . . . i love them all~!


  15. These are all so beautiful, Ida! I think the last one is my favourite - I love the scratchy texture.

  16. I love what you did with these images, Ida! The last one is my favorite as well. Nicely done!

  17. My goodness,. Ida, they are all wonderful! The last id definitely my fave, though.


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