Thursday, October 3, 2013

Random 5 Friday - October 4, 2013

It's Friday which means it's time for some fun.  This week I'm participating in 3 Friday Memes (Photo Art FridayOrange You Glad It's Friday and Random 5 Friday.  -  Click on each one to be taken to that post.

The links to the other Memes will follow at the end of this post.

Please stop by Nancy's blog and check out some other participants.  It's always fun to see what "random" things people come up with for this post.


All Meme's today feature a Sky photo:  Click to enlarge photo.
Picture taken at Lincoln City, OR on 9/21/13 prior to my niece's wedding.
What a beautiful sky it was.

1.  I bowled my first 200+ game of the new Fall Bowling League this week.  Let me just say that I have struggled with my average this season.  I ended last season with a 155 average and started out this season with a lowly 133 average.  So after only bowling a 127-133 the first games this week I was ecstatic to finish off with a 207 game.  Upping my average now to 145.

2. Fall is showing it's colors here slowly but surely.  I've seen some pretty colors starting to show up on some of the trees.  Now for some sunnier skies to go out and take pictures of them.

3.  Found another "creepy" looking spider last week and took a photograph of it.  Turned it in to Bug Guide and here is the link to that page so you can see my spider.  (If you hate spiders don't click on the link.)  It's fun to be able to find out what kind of a spider it was. 

4.  Watched the final episode of NCIS with Cote de Pablo's character, Ziva David tonight (we tape) and I must say I'm really sad to see Cote leaving the show.  It was hard when the 1st Female character, Kate (played by Sasha Alexander) was killed off but this time it's just bittersweet.  Cote's Ziva was such a big part of the show.  I hope it doesn't effect the overall team dynamic of the show by her leaving.

5.  This Government Shutdown stuff boggles my mind and makes me wonder if moving to Canada is something I would consider.  (Seriously I'd probably never leave the US but I just think this whole thing is really DUMB).

Links to  Orange You Glad It's Friday and Pixel Dust Photo Art.


  1. i dislike spiders so i will not be clicking. i will imagine it is one you have never seen & it is super cool for those folks who enjoy spider. ok, now i have the creepy crawly yucky squirms. ( :

  2. Congrats on your 200 game Ida -- I used to bowl on a league and it was so much fun -- but I never did very well in the pin totals.

    My husband quit watching NCIS when Sasha left -- he had a huge crush on her and never got over her leaving. Lol.

  3. More spiders??!!! Yikes! Congrats on your bowling score. I love NCIS and was sad that Cote left the show. I'll be interested to see what happens next. Have a lovely week.

  4. I've had the itch to go bowling recently, but I am terrible. Hope you have a great season--and a great weekend!

  5. Way to go on the bowling! Gorgeous shot!

  6. I'm an NCIS fan from the beginning. And I thought I'd miss Ziva, but y'know, in the last season her character got to be a bit 'boring' ...same ol' 'trained assassin persona. Maybe it was good for her and perhaps her leaving will be good for the show. Who knows.

    I'm new to Random 5 this week, and thought I'd try and get the gist of it all by paying you a visit!! Happy weekend.

  7. Canada has room but we have our own issues government you know:) Hope they figure it out soon for you all. B

  8. Beautiful clouds indeed!

    I hated seeing the character of Ziva leave, too. It will impact the show, but not sure yet how.

    I can't believe how our representatives in Congress are acting. Shameful.

  9. that is a not a real pretty spider- yike. I love this photo, outstanding clouds and such lovely tones. My Mom bowled and was top dog on her team, my balls like the gutter :-).

  10. That is an amazing shot! Beautiful.

  11. I love Fall and all it's pretty colors. But, I don't like this Government stupidity!! Gee whiz, it's like dealing with a bunch of 5 year olds.

  12. What a beautiful sky! And taken on the Oregon of my favorite places!

  13. I haven't bowled in ages...I would probably fall on my face! But I do remember bowling a 200...once. LOL!! Eww on the spiders. I feel sad about Cote leaving NCIS...I hope it doesn't mean the end of the show.

  14. Oh, so much I could say about #5 ... but I won't. Dumb doesn't begin to get it. Happy to find you today from R5F.

  15. Beautiful sky shot! I am hoping next month to join in Pixels meme again. Been so busy this last month it was difficult to keep up with the memes.

    Congratulations on your bowling average increasing! It is much better than I can do.

  16. Beautiful sky shot! I am hoping next month to join in Pixels meme again. Been so busy this last month it was difficult to keep up with the memes.

    Congratulations on your bowling average increasing! It is much better than I can do.

  17. I didn't realize that it was the final episode she would be in (NCIS). It was bittersweet and somewhat anticlimactic between her and Tony.

    The Govt shutdown is what it is, but hopefully it will inspire our politicians to work together and find a compromise (we can not continue to spiral out of control). I have faith that they will eventually work something out - that is why America is so great.

  18. Not a spider fan so I hope u don't take offense to me not clicking in the link! I just started watching NCIS this past December and got hooked immediately. I'm sorry Ziva is leaving too-she's is an amazing character. Beautiful sky shot.

  19. Yes, nice clouds with sea waves, great shot!

  20. the government shutdown....a paid vacation for workers. as they are voting to bring them back, they will be receiving the back pay they lost....

    i can't bowl because i have finger nails!!

  21. spiders or government..I don't know what's worse. Your cloud photo is cool!


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