Saturday, October 26, 2013

Scavenger Hunt Sunday and Songography - October 27, 2013

Welcome.  If you read my blog post from Friday you'll know it's been a very busy week here for me.  It didn't stop either as Friday my mom & I spent 4 hours outside planting flower bulbs (Tulips & Daffodils) for spring.  Lots of hard work and sore muscles but we got it done.

Today we spent most of the day out of town taking Coleen to see the Dinosaur Exhibit,  Jurassic Quest, Return of the Dinosaur.  Most of my evenings this week have been taken up watching the PBR Bull Riding Finals which end tomorrow afternoon.  So it's been an exciting, fun, and tiring week.   Still I found time for some photo's and am here to share them with you.

Starting with SONGOGRAPHY  - Brought to you by Kathy from You'll Shoot Your Eye Out.  The song choice this week:  Forever Young by Rod Stewart.  I absolutely LOVE this song.  Never having given birth to any children of my own I cherish the fact that I got to help raise my daughter, Greta and now her little girl, Coleen as well.  They are a very special part of my life and always will be.  I hold in my heart all the special moments with them that I possibly can.  Here is one from this weeks visit to the Pumpkin Patch: 

        May sunshine and happiness surround you when you're far from home.

So now let's join Ashley (Ramblings and Photos) for SCAVENGER HUNT SUNDAY.

This weeks prompts:  Change, Your Mood Today, Dark, Welcome and Depth of Field.

CHANGE:  I love that we get to see the seasons "Change" here in Walla Walla.  I spotted this scene while out for a walk with my mom's dog, Pixie this week.  I didn't have the camera with me on the walk so after I got home I got my camera and drove back to take the photo.

Worth going back to get that picture if you ask me.

YOUR MOOD TODAY:  Well this picture wasn't taken today but I think it suited my mood for most of the week.  Happy and Relaxed (even though I was busy)

Coleen and I spotted this kitty on a porch when we were out taking some Halloween decoration photos.  Kitties always make me happy and this one looked very relaxed.


Inside the Dinosaur exhibit it was rather dark and these guys lived in a very dark period of the earths history if you ask me.

WELCOME: (or maybe not....)


Took this shot when Coleen and I went out to gather some acorns to help feed the squirrels this winter.


  1. Lovely autumn pictures. And it is so enriching to have children or young people in one's life.

  2. Lovely autumn pictures. And it is so enriching to have children or young people in one's life.

  3. Lovely photo's! I smiled at you welcome photo ;))
    Have a great Sunday.

  4. It's nice how you got the sunshine surrounding the heads of Greta and Colleen. Perfect for those lyrics.

  5. Great capture of the kitty on the porch relaxing. xox

  6. Colleen looks so grown up suddenly, but how perfect for this song!!

    Love the pic of the dinos!

  7. Nice set love the haunted house.

  8. Love those shots on the slide! And the dinosaurs look like such fun. You did a nice job with the depth of field photo. I love the acorns with the leaves. We don't see many acorns around here. Love them!

  9. I LOVE the sliding board know, we gotta embrace our inner kids sometimes ourselves too. Helps remind us how simple things can bring a moment of joy and happiness. Thanks for joining in on Song-ography. And I hope your next week is a bit more calm as compared to your last one.

  10. Sounds like a great week. I love your DOF shot particularly! So lovely. Change and welcome are great shots as well.

  11. Fun mom and daughter picture! They are keeping young!

  12. Love the picture of your girls having fun and the bike riding Halloween decoration is too fun.

  13. Fun shot of the two of you coming down the slide and i love the lighting on the porch with the kitty in the chair!

  14. What a treat this was! Your welcome is inviting to me, although it might be a bit on the scary side for some! Great themes.

  15. Those colorful tree leaves are really wonderful and yes, worth driving back for. Also love the kitty on porch shot.

  16. Wonderful, fun passes it in the slide, exquisite photos!

  17. Very nice series of shots...My Song♫♪...:

  18. What a great shot of Greta and Coleen. Perfect for the song!

    You got some great Halloween photos and autumn colors. Love seeing the black cat taking it easy!

    Our fall is not very colorful here in GA

    Hope you have a nice week.

  19. Gorgeous fall colors in your "change" shot. We will eventually have leaves changing colors around here...last weekend, our trees were completely green but this weekend there's a bit of red showing. Loved the photo of the black cat on the white porch. And I've never seen a ghoul on a bicycle before. ;)

  20. These are great! Loved the change photo and the other fall leaf/acorn shot! The kitty is so cute!! What a cool house!

  21. Happy and relaxed is the best. Enjoy. Love the photos. B

  22. Your shots of Greta and Colleen are so beautiful. I love your angle on the second one! I'm glad you took the time to go back and take the picture of the fall trees. Such gorgeous colors! Our leaves are just barely starting to turn. Love the bicycle in the Halloween display! How cute is that! Have a good week!

  23. These are wonderful! Love the bright colors in your fall shot. That ghost is great!

  24. Those are some great autumn shots!

  25. Such a beautiful picture of the fall leaves. The welcome shot is my favorite. I like the way you started with the trees and ended with just a few leaves. Great pictures.

  26. what a wonderful set for shs!!

    your love for colleen is so evident. i feel it every time i visit!!

    is that her mom or you, with her on the slide??

  27. Another Scavenger Hunt came and went and I didn't get my stuff together. But you did a nice job! Love that cat on the porch.

  28. What a great choice of images, Ida! I love that porch scene...and the depth of field, as well. Am curious where the dinosaur exhibit was!

  29. You did well on your finds. Love the last image of the much to say on Fall.


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