Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Tuesday Muse - The Splendor of Autumn


Welcome! -  After a very busy week last week I'm looking forward to a little more relaxing week.  Taking some time out this morning before I head off for bowling to share in Tuesday Muse, brought to you by Nancy from, A Rural Journal.

Click to enlarge photos.

Autumn has been quite lovely here in Walla Walla this year.  Some really beautiful weather with sunny days in which to get out and snap some shots of the foliage around town.  I love this time of year (except for the part about what follows after the season is over).
Here are some shots of the beauty in my little town.

 There is a house down the street from us that has the coolest rock wall fence around their place.  I loved how the bright yellow of this tree contrasted with the rock wall and the shadows of the leaves.

Some subtle shading going on here with the leaves just beginning to turn.

Oak leaves at the clinic.  The colors are fantastic and Coleen and I had fun gathering acorns there to bring home to feed the squirrels.

Bright colored berries (this one's for you Deanna) on a bush.

I just liked the light coming through these trees and the tangled branches.
These two shots are off a bush that I discovered.  I'm not sure what kind of a bush it is but I love the colors of the leaves and those maroon colored seed pod/flowers (?) are awesome.

I love these little Maple trees.  So colorful.
How about an apartment building with some kind of Ivy growing up the side of the building. 
 A close-up of the Ivy on the bricks.
Finally I just couldn't leave without sharing another picture of Coleen taken at the pumpkin patch.


  1. Well, the color is so amazing...but that beautifully focused yellow against the brick wall is just fabulous, Ida!

  2. We are slow to change around here, but you have some lovely color!

  3. Amazing color Ida -- you really captured the spirit of the season.

  4. Awesome shots! I think the bright yellow in the first photo is my favorite. I love all the fall colors :)

  5. I like all those shots. That tree with the pods is a bean pod tree. Very pretty, but the pods make a mess as they fall. They can also hurt a little if they are heavy and fall on your head.

  6. oohhhh ida, these are just gorgeous!! our weather has been beautiful but we don't have much color......

    it seems to be very late this year!!

    and colleen, so cute and i always enjoy seeing her!!

  7. What a beautiful season!
    And what a lovely picture of Coleen!

  8. You really captured the colors well. I have not been out and about with my camera. Shame on me!

  9. loving your autumnal colours and your bright-eyed daughter looks fabulous too

  10. Wonderful autumn colors, exquisite photos!

  11. Gorgeous shots! I was going to try to pick a favourite, but gave up - they're all wonderful. I do, however, really like the first one. It almost looks like you've processed it to be b&w in the background, with the yellow leaves in front.

  12. I love fall colors. John was showing me some new varieties of Japanese maples online last night. The color combinations are awesome!


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