Saturday, October 5, 2013

Scavenger Hunt Sunday - October 6, 2013

Welcome:  I will be doing 2 separate posts today.  One for Scavenger Hunt Sunday and the other for Song-ography.  -  Please click on the link to the one you want and you'll be taken right to that post.



Click to enlarge photos.

Scavenger Hunt Sunday is hosted by the fabulous and talented Ashley Sisk (Ramblings and Photos).

This weeks prompts:  Something Colorful, Light, You, In Motion, Afternoon.

I will say up front that not all of these photo's were taken this week.  However all were taken within the last 3 months and have never been posted on my blog.


This is a shot of the Happy Canyon Fair Court taken at our parade in late August.  I love the "colorful" costumes they are wearing along with their horses.


Okay I just realized this photo was actually taken in 2012 but since I like it and haven't posted it before I'm using it.  -  I also have a current photo that I took today to share for this prompt. - This is one of the lights on the outside of the school Coleen attends.

LIGHT (again):  I love the play of sun"light" on the bees wings and the petals of the rose.

YOU: - I'm guessing this meant a picture of me.  I hate having my picture taken and am not great at "selfies" but I took this shot while at the beach attending my niece's wedding 2 weeks ago.


Mexican Dancer's preforming at the school carnival last month.  I love the "motion" of their skirts.  -  This could also work for the colorful prompt.


Coleen and I took an "afternoon" drive and I shot this view of the fields and mountains.  The field in the foreground is, Chickpeas' aka (Garbanzo Beans).


  1. Love those skirts! So beautiful and festive!

  2. Gorgeous set of pictures, Ida! Love the color horses and motion of the dresses. That bee shot is fantastic! And the afternoon landscape is breathtaking!

  3. I love all of these shots especially the Native American women in their regalia and the pic of the dancing women.

  4. Great selection! Love especially motion and afternoon.

  5. Love your close up of the bee on the rose petals, Ida! Your motion and color shots are very nice as well! Thanks for stopping by!

  6. I don't think I've ever seen how chickpeas grow! I do LOVE to eat them! the IN MOTION shot of the Mexican dancers is beautiful. I can hear their skirts swishing against the rustling petticoats under their skirts.

  7. Gorgeous photos! I love the vibrant colors of your "something colorful" and "in motion." And the yellow rose...the petals look like butter. Beautiful!

  8. Love your dynamic , colourful dancers!

  9. They're all perfect for your prompts. Thanks so much for visiting my blog and commenting. The foot one is great. :)

  10. Amazing! I like all the pictures! Really captured the motion on the motion picture. Your afternoon drive picture is just gorgeous! Very beautiful view! I like the petals of the flower on the bee picture - they look like velvety fabric.

  11. Terrific shots all! I hear you on the self-portraits. Another week I didn't manage to get it done. Oh, well... Next week maybe.

  12. These are all great interpretations! I love the colorful and the motion shots. Beautiful outfits in both of them.

  13. what a great set....motion has so much color and is such a beautiful image!!

    an awesome shot of the bee as well!!

  14. As always, such magnificent photos. You do a great job.

  15. I can see you were also at the beach ;) did your niece married by the ocean!? must be so special. you have a great selection, each one interesting in so many ways. I'm happy to hear from you too sweet Ida :) xxo


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