Saturday, October 5, 2013

Songography - Forever Autumn Edition - October 6, 2013

Welcome:  I will be doing 2 separate posts today.  One for Scavenger Hunt Sunday and the other for Song-ography.  -  Please click on the link to the one you want and you'll be taken right to that post.


SONGOGRAPHY - Brought to you by the fabulously talented, Kathy (You'll Shoot Your Eye Out).  Be sure to stop by her blog and check it out.

This weeks Kathy's picked a Moody Blue's song. -  The Moody Blues are one of my all time favorite Rock Bands. -  The song though was not one I was really very familiar with.  -  Forever Autumn. 

Click to enlarge photos.

    (Note:  A cloud texture was added to the photo of the geese)

Like the Sun through the trees you came to love me


Like a leaf on the breeze you blew away


  Through Autumn’s golden gown we used to kick our way

A gentle rain falls softly on my weary eyes



  1. Lovely autumnal colours - I love that sunburst!

  2. The birds flying across the sky - amazing capture, Ida!!

  3. These are all really beautiful shots. Outstanding job!

  4. Love your sunflower shot! And we've got rain here this I'm heading out for some rain drop shots when it stops!

  5. I love all your pics and the raindrops on the leaves is my favorite.

  6. Lovely fall photos, Ida! Perfect for the song!

  7. Gorgeous shots! I love the flight photo and the sunburst through the branches!

  8. Fantastic images to accompany the lyrics. Beautiful done.

  9. That's a great shot of the flying geese. Your cloud sky edit works beautifully. I love the close-ups of the leaves, too, with the raindrops. Nice job of portraying this song, Ida!

  10. These are beautiful, each and every one! It's hard to pick a favorite...although, I must say I absolutely love the leaves with the dew drops. :)

  11. Love the picture of the birds flying south...I wish I could do the same!

  12. Loving all of your pics.
    That cloud texture added so much to those geese!

  13. I love your photos - they are very beautiful!

  14. You got my attention at the beads of rain on the leaves. Pretty!

  15. Oh that sunflower shot. I wish I'd taken that one! I also like the one with the pretty blue sky in the back ground. Well done.

  16. Well done Ida!
    I so was going to do this one and then forgot. The Moody Blues were favorites of mine in college.
    The geese and the sun flare are my favorites.

  17. Your photos are always so incredible, Ida. These are no exception!

  18. The picture of the birds across the sky is perfect


  19. Gorgeous colors in that first shot with the birds. And the clarity of that sun flare is magnificent. I think this is my favorite submission of yours to Song-ography! You've got quite a beautiful collection of photography here my friend. Thanks for joining in on Song-ography again this week :)

  20. Ida you have perfectly captured this song... Sort of a sadness here as Autumn comes and goes in all of its beauty, so quickly

  21. Your photos are lovely! I am especially drawn to your sunflowers - the green and yellow are so vibrant. Thank you so much for visiting my blog. I agree - no snow - at least not in October!

  22. It is amazing how beautiful is our world and how many wonderful things nature has for us everywhere around!

  23. WoW Ida this is beautiful, all perfect choices for our song this week!!

    And those sunflowers....just keep on giving!!

  24. Beautiful fall colors. Love the shot with the geese and the drops of water.

  25. Great pictures for this song.


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