Friday, November 8, 2013

Random 5 Friday - Nancy's "Un-linky" Version

Hi!  First I want to extend a welcome to all my newest followers.  I am so happy that you enjoy stopping by my blog.  I will do my best to visit you as well (although life sometimes does happen and I'm not able to visit/comment in a timely manner) I hope you understand.

Now it's Friday and generally I'd be posting for Random 5 Friday on Nancy's blog (A Rural Journal).  Nancy has decided to go on hiatus (of sorts) but today is still doing R5F but without the link up.  If you want to visit other's entries they will have left their link in the comment section on her post today. 

So without further ado here are my Random 5 Friday thoughts. Click to enlarge photos.

1.  Dealing with an aging parent isn't easy. - Monday night I ended up taking my mom over to the ER for a BP reading as she was experiencing some dizziness/light headedness and thought her BP was way up.  They had put her on some new medication for joint pain and apparently it had raised her BP.  It was 194/77 the first reading the nurse took.  Ten minutes later it had dropped to 164/80 and the nurse basically told us that the ER wouldn't treat her for high blood pressure because the reading wasn't consistently high.  - More on that later...

2.  We bowled Tuesday.  Yes, my mom bowled all 3 games and while her scores weren't super high she managed to finish all the games and was feeling pretty good, although tired.  (We won't talk about my games, only one of them was decent.)

3.  Wednesday - Took her over to her regular doctor (she just saw the nurse) for another BP reading.  This time it was down to 138/77.  The nurse said the doctor didn't even want to see her because she has such reactions to medications that she didn't even want to mess with trying to put her on BP meds again.   Poor mom was pretty put out that the doctor so easily dismissed even the thought of seeing her about the problem.  Just said if aspirin was helping then she should take that but to try not to take to much.

4.  So you can see why I get a little "stressed out" when dealing with my mom's health issues.   - On a brighter note I took Coleen out Wednesday afternoon as she wanted to take some pictures.  We went to Bennington Lake (now that it's open again after the Government shutdown.)  I snapped this fun photo of her wearing the new leopard hat her mom bought her.

5. We had fun at the lake.  The water level was really down and we decided to walk all the way around the lake (long walk) but we got to see this Heron (even though it was super muddy in places and I tore a hole in my tennis shoes) it was worth it.  Sure wish though that I had a better zoom lens.  We didn't get very close to the bird until it flew so this is the best shot that I was able to get.

P.S.  Mom is feeling better each day and the dizziness is going away.  The nurse thinks it might have been a little bit of "Vertigo" that she was experiencing (and I'm thinking the same thing.) Just happy she's feeling better.


  1. Love Coleen's hat! Nice shot of the lake. I like the "zoomed out" view you've captured.

  2. glad your Mom is feeling better, and that it was nothing serious. I would love that hat and to have enjoyed that walk with you.

  3. Nice photos, I like this autumn feeling by the lake.
    Best wishes for your mom (my mom is 86, I now any problems - )

  4. cute fall pics. i can understand #1 ... my mom dealt with elderly family often & i helped out as much as i could. i know that now they have all past on ... i know she misses the phone calls & constant running to the grocery store. all those questions of where do u think i left my wallet, keys or hearing aids? GOD bless the ones who help & care 4 them all. i know it is tough at times. big hugs. ( :

  5. your pictures are so beautiful this week. They are always nice but this week they really seem to touch me. I started following you...for some reason I thought i had already done that..oh well, it's done now.

  6. oh yes...I forgot to say that I'm glad your mum is feeling better

  7. All of the images are so very nice. What a sweetheart in the second one. The third view of the water is outstanding, too.

  8. I know, and understand and have empathy, for you taking care of your mom. My mom had multiple strokes before she passed on, and it wasn't easy for HER or me since I was the only child in the same town. Also, I think I'd pretty darned perturbed at the doctor too!!! Dang, what happened to the hypocritical oath they take?!!!!

  9. What a time you have is not even fun dealing with our own aging.

    It had to be good for you to get out and just get away from it all.

  10. Hi!
    Thanks for visiting and leaving a comment for me.
    Nice to "meet" you - that little Coleen is a doll baby!

  11. Lovely photos of your trip to the lake -- and I understand too well about aging parents and continuing health issues. You are a good daughter for helping her navigate the medical system. xo

  12. Hope your mom continues to improve. Cute pic of Coleen!

  13. Lovely photos! Dealing with medical problems can be so frustrating! I'm glad your mom is feeling better!

  14. I can totally relate to the mom and meds "issues" as I'm living that story every day.

  15. Beautiful shots! I like the last one with the heron even though the heron isn't close. Being very close doesn't always make the nicest photo. I like the entire scene of that shot.

  16. Hi Ida...not doing R5F but happened onto your blog. Lovely scenery pictures and the cute model only helps enhance. :) Very nice photos.


  17. Glad to hear that Mom is feeling better. Vertigo is not fun, I've experienced that before!! Coleen's new tiger hat is cute, I know she must love it!!

  18. Ida! I love your shot of the lake and the heron! So fall like! Colleen's hat is pretty cool too! Have missed your newsy blog posts…hope your Mom is feeling better…as both a severe RA sufferer, with frequent vertigo episodes I can certainly empathize with both of you!

  19. A nice portrait in the woods, wonderful colors!

  20. I am glad your mom is feeling better. Health issues can be so scary, I am sorry her doctor just dismissed her like that. :(

    I love the heron shot!


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