Wednesday, November 6, 2013


This post was supposed to be my Tuesday Muse post (A Rural Journal) but Nancy has decided to take a break from this Meme so here is my post anyway. - Click to enlarge.

   Let us be grateful to people who make us 
  happy, they are the charming gardeners who
    make our souls blossom.

Marcel Proust
Today I am grateful for all of my blogging friends.  You have made such a difference in my life. I've grown from visiting your blogs, have laughed with you in happy times, cried in sad times and learned so much because of you.  -  So from the bottom of my heart,  "Thank You."


  1. What a lovely photo and what a lovely, lovely post! Thank YOU! :)

  2. i agree ida, TOTALLY!!

    so happy to be enjoying this beautiful entry!!

  3. Lovely shot and edit!
    I had never heard that quote - very nice.

  4. Thank you for your blog, Ida!

    That's a lovely photo. I think the remaining leaves on a tree like that look like jewels hanging on.

  5. One of my favourite M.P. quotes and blogging is enlightening, adventurous, informative and is true what you say of fellow bloggers there is a connection and such enrichment in sharing with strangers that become friends..I wonder if there isn't a 'new' word to describe this multimedia connection. Beautiful photo.

  6. Beautiful imgage and as a lover of inspirational and heartfelt quotes I added this gratidtude quote to my collection. Thank you for sharing.

  7. Gorgeous! I couldn't agree more - this blogging community is something special!

  8. Beautiful saying, beautiful picture! Thank you, Ida!

  9. And a 'thank you' to you, too, as one of the bloggy friends that brighten my day!

  10. What a lovely post! You sound like a wonderful, kind-hearted lady and I am so thankful to have come across your blog :) I am your newest follower and I am excited to visit again.


  11. Who would have ever thought that we would be able to have friends all around the world! Great post.

  12. I love this photo and the quote! Beautiful!

  13. God has blessed me with your blog friendship, Ida. Thankful to be able to share part of your world from across the country!


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