Friday, November 15, 2013

Random 5 Friday

Good Day!  -  Yippee it's Friday.  So let's cut right to the chase and head on over to Nancy's blog (A Rural Journal) where we are once again posting
Random 5 Friday thoughts (minus Mr. Linky) so be sure to check the comment section for links to other people's blogs for their R5F thoughts.

1.  I've been trying to go for walks lately.  Why do I wait till the weather isn't that great to suddenly get the urge to exercise?  Anyway Monday afternoon Greta, Coleen and I took the dogs, Cricket and Pixie for a nice long walk. - All photos today are from that walk.

L-R  Cricket - Who wouldn't turn around. Greta (my daughter), Coleen and Pixie.  - They loved walking in the leaves.
                                   Coleen enjoyed rolling down a hill.

2.  I bowled great on Tuesday (for a change)!  156-150-160  Always makes me feel great when I bowl three decent games.

3.  I went to the same dental appointment "twice" this week.  How you might be asking,  Well Wednesday I got up and after getting Coleen off to school I hurried home and headed off to my dental appointment.  Got there and said, "I'm here for my appointment."  -  The receptionist then proceeds to tell me (while trying not to laugh) that my appointment wasn't until Thursday!  -  I was positive that I had written it down for Wednesday.  Went home only to discover that I had it down for Thursday after all.

4.  Enjoy having coffee with my hubby after the 1st appointment on Wednesday that never happened due to the mix-up of when the appointment actual was.

5.  Getting ready today to work on making some Thanksgiving cards since I didn't send out Halloween this year and people were wondering what was wrong when they didn't get one!  Next will be Christmas cards,  I'd better be hustling with the card making.

Have a wonderful day and weekend everyone and thanks for stopping by.


  1. I've done that with appt's, gee whiz eh! I love the curtain of leaves, crystal leaves, very pretty. Your walk company was all time cute :-)

  2. Gorgeous photography ~ beautiful ! ~ carol, xxx

  3. Beautiful pictures - it looks like a good autumn walk. And Coleen is a leopard with the cap? ;-)
    I think it's nice to write cards with hand on real paper - it gets more and more out of fashion, most people just write e-card, e-mail or phone (here in Germany). I'm also going to write so old-fashioned real cards and letters and it is very valuable for me to get a real letter...
    Have a nice weekend :-)

  4. It's been a long time since I've addressed and mailed out cards...well, a bunch anyway. I still send to family along with gift cards, but that's it anymore.

    Loved all your beautiful photos to go along with your randoms.

    Had to laugh at the appt. mix up...been there done that myself. I call it half-heimerz. ALL is not lost, so just half way there, I am.

    Have a great day. Oh, and love the tiger hat!!! [or is it leopard...either case, it's cool]

  5. i know it is not - but it sort of looks like a weeping willow tree with yellow leaves ... what kind of tree is that? super pretty this fall. ( :

  6. oh no! going to the dentist is tramatic enough, but twice?!! you anxious little thing you!

  7. Love how bright and colourful all your photos are!
    Have a great weekend, Ida!

  8. GREAT fall pictures and Coleen's hat and gloves are too cute! Congrats on the good bowling scores! At least you got to enjoy coffee with your hubby because of the mixup! :)

  9. You're having such a beautiful Fall. It is easy to get appointment dates mixed up for sure. At least you didn't go too late to keep the appointment.

  10. Nice photos! Isn't it just like a pug to turn around just when the shutter is released? Those were the days when rolling down the hill was fun.

  11. Fall is the best time for taking walks. And it looks like you've got some fine walking companions. Have a great weekend!

  12. So funny about the dentist mix-up! I bet not too many folks show up there when they don't need to!!

  13. Oh, that is awful to go a dental appt. twice...or maybe lucky, that you didn't have to stay for one. I just dread going so bad, though.

    Love the pics...

  14. I love those red berries on the branches! Gorgeous! I always love walking in the fall and early winter. Much better than walking in the hot, hot summer!

  15. Pretty pictures! Glad you enjoyed your walk! It looks gorgeous outside!

  16. You are very ambitious. I only make cards for my family these days.
    Love the pictures.

  17. Pretty fall photos - my fav time of year. You have a lovely daughter and granddaughter and what cute doggies!


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