Thursday, November 14, 2013

The Golden Carpet of Autumn

This morning on my way to my dental appointment I spotted something that I just knew I wanted to photograph. And wouldn't you know it, I didn't have my camera with me.  (I know Debbie...never leave home without it.)   So I wrote down on a piece of paper where I saw what I wanted to photograph and when my appointment was over I went back home and got my camera so I could capture it.  CLICK TO ENLARGE

 It's a lovely Golden Carpet....

Of Ginkgo Tree leaves.  This is the oldest tree in existence.  Well not this particular tree but Ginkgo trees date back to pre-historic times.  They are so fascinating and so pretty when all the leaves fall (practically at once) forming a lovely Golden carpet.  -  I had a tree in mind to take a photograph of but when I went there the other day all the leaves had fallen and the people had already raked them up.  I was so disappointed but now I'm happy again having found this wonderful display.  I hope you enjoy it.

P.S. -  Had to drive back by this same place not more then 3 hours after this photo was taken and would you believe,  they had raked up the leaves!  So glad I got there when I did.


  1. This is so beautiful! The sea of golden leaves--I'd hate to see these raked up! :-)

  2. What a neat photo! It is a beautiful golden carpet! :)

  3. omgosh are listening, but are you!?!? hehe

    I am so glad you went back and they hadn't raked, it's a gorgeous image!!

    And I am going to share a secret with you, and only you!! Two nights ago we went out for dinner, it had rained all day and I left the camera home. We had the most gorgeous sunset I have ever seen. I saw it but could not photograph it, but i will remember it forever and i so appreciate that i at least got to see it!! Now don't tell anyone. ;)

  4. Ida,
    I love the leaf color. You are right, a beautiful golden carpet.

    Thanks for sharing with us.

  5. WOW, your photo is so incredibly lovely! Thank you for sharing and may you have a wonderful weekend. Hugs!

  6. That looks lovely!
    Nice perspective too!

  7. Oh, that's gorgeous!! I can see why you had to go back to take the photo.

  8. wow that was well worth going back for, a golden carpet! and what luck you didn't wait to return-fabulous photo.

  9. Wow!! Absolutely gorgeous colour…great shot, Ida!

  10. I love ginkgo their leaves.

  11. Gorgeous golden carpet! So glad you were able to get back with your camera! That always seems to happen to me...leave the camera...see something great...a big disappointment! Have a great weekend!


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