Saturday, November 2, 2013

Scavenger Hunt Sunday - November 3, 2013

Participating again in SONGOGRAPHY and SCAVENGER HUNT SUNDAY.  Click on the link to be taken to the correct post if you are visiting for one or the other.

Welcome! -  Let's go on a hunt together....Yes it's time for,
Scavenger Hunt Sunday - Courtesy of Ashley (Ramblings and Photos).
This weeks prompts:

Dress Up, Candy, Pumpkin, Spooky & Orange - Click to Enlarge Photos.

DRESS UP:  Well we just celebrated Halloween here in the U.S. and there were lots of people dressed up for the occasion but how about we check out some furry critters all dressed up to celebrate the day.

Greta bought Cricket a Shrimp costume for Halloween (She didn't care much for wearing it so it was hard getting a good photo.)  We put last years Witch hat on Callie-Jo and she actually let me take her picture.  Don't they look silly all dressed up for Halloween!

CANDY:  I should have taken a picture of all the left-over candy we had since we hardly had any kids trick-or-treat but I didn't.  Instead I saw something the other day on trying to name what candy it was by looking at a picture.  So can you figure out what 4 candy bars are in this photo?

(Starting top L - Almond Joy, Milky Way
bottom L - Reese's Peanut Butter Cup,  Baby Ruth)

PUMPKIN:  Saw this one downtown on Halloween night (texture added)

Saw these a couple of houses down from our house:


One of the many decorations we spotted around town.  I think this guy is creepy and spooky.
ORANGE:  You get another "two-fer" for this as I couldn't decide which one I liked the most.
Some gorgeous orange oak leaves
Coleen and Cuddles asleep in a chair.
Have a great day and don't forget to check out the other participants.


  1. My cat would have nothing to do with a costume if I tried. Too cute!
    I am a chocoholic so I got three of the four bars. I haven't had a Baby Ruth in forever so I missed it.
    The pumpkin throwing up is too funny. I really have to remember that for next year.
    Wonderful shots for the hunt!

  2. I absolutely love your photos ! Those 2 last ones are my favorites : the girl and cat is so beautiful photo and those leaves too. And that skeleton is so cool and pumpkins are lovely, well made and dog like the cat too are cool !!!!!

    Have a nice week !

  3. Hi, could you tell Coleen that see has wrong link !!! She has to but a new link in this challenge !

  4. love those pumpkins!! I hope you had a great Halloween

  5. Of course, I love that last one! So cute. :)

  6. Love those dog costumes and that last snuggly shot is adorable!

  7. I really like this. The pumpkins are great and the little girl and cat. Precious!!

  8. Some interesting looking trick or treaters, delicious candy, awesome pumpkins and beutiful leaves. I'll have nightmares because of that spooky guy.

  9. Oh the end is so adorable! All lovely snapshots. Purrfect! I happened to see a few (sick) little pumpkins this year while we were trick or treating, they must have all caught the flu!

  10. Nice pictures, very beautiful, full of fun!

  11. Oh my goodness. You Rocked this challenge. I am Loving all your photos. That candy looks so yummy. And your doggie and kitty dressed up has me smiling.


  12. Love the pic of the dressed up pug and kitty. Our pug feels she's better than us because she doesn't wear clothes and let's me know it if I try to dress her. Nice Halloween pics all around.

  13. I love your takes on this especially the vomiting pumpkins and spooky.

  14. Wonderful images of Halloween....and fall....and falling asleep! Love Colleen and the cat!!! Priceless! And the candy bar companies should hire you to take their photos cause now I want a piece of candy!!! Hope you had all treats and no tricks!

  15. Love the pet costumes! Very surprised either of them tolerated being dressed up long enough for a photo. :) You have some very cool decorations in your area--most of what I've seen around here is "spider web" draped across hedges and porches. Sweet photo of Coleen cuddling the orange cat!

  16. Oh I just love all the photos especially the very last one:) B

  17. Oh those pets with costumes are just too adorable...great Halloween captures, but you know my fav is Coleen & her kitty!!

  18. I love the candy bar shot! Now following back from

  19. the pug as a shrimp really made me laugh

  20. These are all perfect for the prompts! I really like the critters in costume. I didn't even dress up a single animal this year. That last shot is my favorite though.

  21. Wonderful post, with many pretty photos to see!

  22. Awesome Halloween decorations! And very yummy candy!

  23. I love both of your orange shots! The last one is so adorable!

    The candy all looks delicious! And the pumpkins were all very well done!

    The dogs are cute in their costumes!

  24. She looks adorable asleep in the chair with kitty! The spooky shot is sure spooky! Love those jack o lanterns! Very creative people out there!! Yummmm on the candy!

  25. The cat/dog costumes are precious! I love the last shot of Coleen and kitty sleeping....I bet the cats love Coleen's soft jacket!


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