Friday, December 20, 2013

Random 5 Friday is back!

Hip, Hip,  Hooray!  It's Random Friday day!!!  After a brief hiatus Nancy (A Rural Journal) has brought back Random 5 Friday.  One of my favorite meme's as you get to learn some fun and random things about fellow bloggers. 

Here are mine for this week.

Wow, what a busy, busy week.  I haven't been blogging much lately or visiting many blogs because....

#1  -  I'm still Christmas shopping.  I know it's coming down to the wire but that's generally how I roll even though I tell myself every year that I'm not going to wait till the last minute and yet I still end up doing just that.  So for those of you who have everything bought and wrapped already....phtttt....

#2 - We got our tree up and decorated and did my mom's this past weekend.  Our cats have been (fairly) good this year about not yanking to many of the ornaments off the tree.  Here is one of my hubby's ornaments that I bought for him.  Santa's a cool dude!  Oh and one of my personal favorites...Top Hat Cat,

#3 - Coleen had her school program this week and got to wear one of her fancy dresses.  Here she is in front of our tree before heading off to school that morning.
#4 - I tripped going up the bleachers at that program.  I managed to not fall completely but did crash into the metal bar on the stairs and of course EVERYONE there had to see me do it.  Insert "embarrassed" face here but thankfully I wasn't hurt.  My hand was a little sore (as was my pride) but that's about it.
#5 - Coleen has her very first Piano Recital tonight.  -  Everyone keep your fingers crossed that she doesn't get to nervous about being in front of people.  I'll try to get decent pictures to post later.
I hope to get around and visit a few of your blogs before Christmas but if I don't I want to wish everyone a very Merry Christmas and thank you for being a part of my blogging experience this year.   I'll leave you with a lovely sunset picture from one of our sunsets this week.
Off to do more shopping!


  1. Love Coleen's dress -- so pretty~ I wish her luck tonight with her recital. I would be scared too~ :)

  2. Merry Christmas and she is going to do just fine she looks lovely. Take care of your hand. Hugs B

  3. A beautiful sunset photo! Wonderful way to conclude a lovely post. And a merry Christmas to you and yours, too!

  4. The hat cat is really cool. Good luck for Coleen, of course I keep my fingers crossed...
    Wish you that the stress with all ended fast and you have a Merry Christmas.

    By the way: in Germany we decorate the tree until 12.24. early in the morning. This is so the tradition (of course, in shopping malls and markets, it is earlier, but not in families)

  5. Hi, Ida--I just finished shopping on Wednesday, though I still need to get a few stocking stuffers. Coleen is so pretty. I hope the piano recital goes well. :-)

    Merry Christmas!!

  6. my fingers are crossed for Coleen and I love her photo in her pretty dress.

  7. Pretty sunset! And holiday school programs are always fun.

  8. i love your ornaments. the motorcycle one is super cool. i have seen a similar one that is a blow up Christmas design. makes me laugh to think of Santa on a motorcycle. can you imagine him - how would that work? i understand a sleigh ... where would he put his gifts? will think on that one. ( :

  9. such fun...except the tripping up the bleachers part...that's NO fun. Hope colleen nails the piano at her recital. Merry Christmas Ida

  10. OH, I have tripped and fallen in public, and that is soooooooo embarrassing! We rented a uhaul 2 years ago to pick up furniture at Sams.....I was driving....thought there was a step as you left the cab....hope....landed flat on my face in the parking lot with half a million people standing and gawking, thinking to themselves, "well, Grace!" lol. I wanted to die, I felt so idiotic!! (if only someone had had a camera, they'd have had a million hits on Youtube!)

    Colleen looks so pretty in her dress! I know you are a great grandmother because you go to her programs and take pictures. She must adore you!

    Have fun Christmas shopping....and Merry Christmas to you and your family!!!

  11. ooohhhh ida, your sunset is just gorgeous, the skies have just been amazing lately!!

    colleen is looking so lovely and soooo grown up in her pretty red dress, it's a good color for her!!

    i tried to email you this morning but your email address is not saved in my contacts :(

    i will "talk" with you next time you leave a comment for me!!

  12. Lovin' that cat ornament! And that dude on the motorcycle looks like my husband Greg. Coleen looks beautiful in her fancy duds. Glad you only hurt your pride.

  13. Love that Top Hat Cat ornament - very cool. Coleen looks so pretty in her dress and appears to have enjoyed performing. (sorry about the slip - hate when that happens, and it is always when everyone is looking).

    Merry Christmas to you and your family.

  14. Merry Christmas! I always enjoy your photos so much. Your granddaughter's photo is so beautiful. Can't wait to see photos of her piano recital!

    May God bless you all during Christmas and the new year.

  15. Great post! I really enjoyed the glimpse into your week. And I love your ornaments!

    Best wishes for a very Merry Christmas, Ida!

  16. What a lovely young lady! That cat ornament is adorable. Hope you've managed to get your shopping done! Have a very Merry Christmas!

  17. I enjoyed this little peek, almost like a page or two from your diary. There are always last minute things, aren't there? I have to work today and remembered a little gift I want to pick up tonight after work. Rich is going grocery shopping today. Got a couple more presents to wrap. But, we're almost there! Merry Christmas, Ida!


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