Saturday, December 14, 2013

Songography - It's Beginning to look a lot like Christmas and Scavenger Hunt Sunday

What a busy, busy week...or month I should say.  Still trying to get shopping done, but at least the tree is up and the house is decorated inside and out.  Which is perfect because this weeks SONGOGRAPHY song is...

It's Beginning to Look a lot like Christmas - Version by Michael Buble but there are plenty of other versions out there as well.

We went out today to get my mom's Christmas tree and I spotted these guys in the store, of course they had to come home with me.

 At least I only snapped a picture of this Santa but isn't he cool looking.

Some images from our tree:

I love all the different ornaments we have on our tree.  These are just a few of them. 

Many of the prompts for SCAVENGER HUNT SUNDAY are Christmas related as well so be sure to keep on looking.

Here are the lists of prompts:  The Weather Today, R is for..., Green, Joy & Drink.

THE WEATHER TODAY - Wow after sub-degree temperatures last week it was almost 50 yesterday and about 42 today.  Great weather for...

Fred the cat to climb a tree without slipping on ice or snow, which has now melted.

R is FOR...I wanted to photograph some Reindeer that use to be at the place where we get our trees but they weren't there this year.  Instead you get....

A Rooster that was in the shop instead.


One of several of my holiday frog figures.  I love the expression on this guys face.

Going out of order here as I want to leave Joy for last.


Nothing like a cup of Peppermint Mocha Coffee with a Candy Cane to swirl in it.

JOY:  My favorite image this week:

The Joy of a child visiting Santa. 

Be sure to stop by Kathy (You'll Shoot Your Eye Out) and Ashley (Ramblings and Photos) for Songography and Scavenger Hunt Sunday.

It truly is beginning to look a lot like Christmas!


  1. What a fun post! I love seeing your wonderful collection of ornaments. (Beautifully photographed, too. I particularly like the shot of the little teddy bear.) Great scavenger hunt shots, too. I love that frog!

  2. Colleen's smile is pure joy! Love the cheer and holiday spirit in your pictures!

  3. Very nice set of images. I really like the Nativity ornament. Have a blessed Sunday.

  4. Much joy in these pictures. Love seeing everyone's ornaments from their trees.

  5. what a great set of pics, I love your ornaments :)

  6. Love the snowman on the motorcycle! So much Christmas fun at your house!

  7. That cat in the tree shot is stunning. Your house looks so festive. I'm wondering if that cool Santa decoration should have come home with you too.

  8. Love all your Christmas decor. Thanks for sharing!

  9. It looks like Santa has put Colleen on the "Nice" list judging by the way they are both smiling.

  10. Lots and Lots of great Christmas photos here. I also love the one of your cat in the tree.. Hope you are enjoying your weekend.


  11. Love the car in the tree. Mine like to get up on the roof from a tree close to the house, but like yours, not with the snow up there. Great set of pictures - including the snowman on the motorcycle. Cool.

  12. ida, i must say that i just LOVE your christmas spirit!! and your tree and decorations are just beautiful!!

    and you "iced the cake" so to speak with the picture of colleen with santa. what a great picture that is!!

  13. I haven't gotten ANY shopping done yet..too busy decorating trees, haha. I love how the ornaments we have each bring back a memory or a story. That REALLY makes it start feeling like Christmas to me. Thanks for joining in on Song-ography!

  14. These are a wonderful holiday collection of photos! I would have brought home the charming dog and cat, too. Love them! And Fred the cat -- he is so handsome. Is he a Maine Coon? And of course, the Santa photo and the joy on Coleen's face -- so precious :)

  15. Very merry Christmas pics! Love your scavenger hunt photos, especially your cat and Coleen on Santa's lap. One of these days, I will get back to the Scavenger Hunt.

  16. Very merry Christmas pics! Love your scavenger hunt photos, especially your cat and Coleen on Santa's lap. One of these days, I will get back to the Scavenger Hunt.

  17. I really like the Santa and tree! Nice decoration and a bit old school. The last photo is fantastic!

  18. What a fun post! I thoroughly enjoyed every moment of this. I love your tree ornaments. A person's ornaments are always such a delightful reflection of the family.

  19. What a great set for both Songography and SHS! That rooster really caught my eye. And I can see why Joy is your favorite - worthy of being saved (best) for last. PS - I love that bronco-riding Santa in your header. :-)

  20. Wonderful decorations on your tree!
    Such a pretty kitty decorating his own tree too.
    Coleen looks happy on Santa's lap. It's nice Santa wasn't afraid to smile. Some are so grumpy.

  21. Nice pictures of your Christmas decorations.Fred in the tree is a great shot.

  22. Great selections for this week`s challenges!!

  23. That looks very much like a festive season at your house! Nice pictures.

  24. Ah your joy one is nice :) loving all the Christmassy photos you've made me feel very festive! Great weather shot

  25. You are right, your kitty cat rings the winner out of all of these! Your photos bring such joy to my heart and music to my eyes! Very Joyful throughout!

  26. You did a wonderful job of shooting your ornaments! I can never get them quite right! Great job!

  27. Oh, I love Christmas ornaments too! We build a nice collection with Ken over the years. I like looking at them.
    Your ornaments are so cute! Moose is just so unique!
    Glad that Coleen met Santa. She looks happy!
    I got a card from you, Ida! So beautiful! Thank you!!!

  28. These are all wonderful and festive, perfect for both memes. I just love your photo for Joy!

  29. It's definitely beginning to look a lot like christMAS at your house. Love the Santa pic.


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