Friday, January 24, 2014


Hi,  My name is, Ida and I'd like to welcome you to my blog.  I am participating in the 2014 Grow Your Blog event hosted by Vicki from, 2 Bags Full.

I started blogging back in 2007.  My first blog (Faith Artistry) was designed to be a craft blog where I showcased my cards.  Then I got an idea to create this blog and use it to chat about my family and my hobbies etc...then one day I discovered some photography related blogs and I thought how fun and exciting they were to visit.  I could visit places through their blogs that I might not ever get to see in real life and I loved it. 

Then I got a brilliant idea that I could start sharing my photographs and such with other like minded bloggers.  Now mind you I'm not the world's greatest photographer and still have a long way to go but I am so enjoying the journey and hope you will enjoy visiting often.

Cats are my all time favorite animal in the entire world.  We have 6 cats of our own and have been know to feed strays and neighborhood cats on a regular basis.  I love photographing them.  The one below is "new" to the neighborhood.  I'm not sure if it's (male) or (female) because it won't let me get close enough to find out.  Tonight it "almost" let me pet it.  I love the expression here.  It's almost as if the cat is saying,  "Hey, lady get that camera outta my face!"

My granddaughter, Coleen is a very important part of my life.  She and her mother live with us and you will frequently find her featured in my blog posts.

Here she is along with my mom's little dog, Pixie taking a ride down the slide at the school just down the street from where we live.

I love nature shots of all kinds and am always on the lookout for something new and different to photograph.  Lately "birds" have been on my list of subjects.  This morning I managed to capture some of these sweet little birds that roost in the next door neighbors shrubs everyday.  They sure make a lot of noise when they're all chirping at once.

There was some excitement this morning at the back bird feeder and oh how I wish I would have had my camera with me.  My mom & I returned from a trip to the bank and as we pulled into the driveway sitting up on the fence by our bird feeder was a small hawk.  We just sat there in the car watching it for a few minutes. Once we got out of the car it flew off but I was thrilled to have even had the chance to see it up so close even though I have no photo to document the event.

Flowers are another favorite subject of mine to photograph and to grow.  I'm so looking forward to spring when my new Tulips and Daffodils bloom.  In the mean time here's a shot of one of my lilies from last summer.

There are many things that I enjoy doing such as Reading, Cooking/Baking, Bowling, Flower Gardening, Music and of course blogging.  You just never know what you'll find here.  It could be a recipe for some new dish, a book review of a great book I've read, or whatever comes to mind when I sit down to post.

I love participating in various photography memes. Many of which are listed on my side-bar. 

Thank you so much for stopping by.  I enjoy hearing your comments and also visiting your blogs. Feel free to e-mail me if you have any questions or would just like to chat a spell.


  1. I enjoyed stopping by!. I just started getting interested in photography last summer when I took a phone photography class then joined a summer photo scavenger hunt. If you are interested in the scavenger hunt, she does it every summer:

  2. Hi Ida, nice to meet you. I think your photos are very nice. I too am interested in photography, but just haven't put it all together. My 2 year old grandson along with his Mom and Dad live with us now, well for a while anyway. We are enjoying this time together.
    I'm following you now.

  3. Hi, Ida!

    I'm Terry. I am one of Vicki's volunteers. I love your blog! As I was reading it a feeling of peace came over me. I will certainly be visiting your blog often.

    I hope you enjoy visiting all the wonderful blogs!

  4. Hello Ida, I'm so thankful to have met you through blogging. I always enjoy your wonderful photography, especially the cats and lovely Coleen! You and I have many similar interests and I always enjoy my visits here. Have a great weekend.

  5. Wonderful pictures for this blog party! Love the one of the birds!

  6. what a great entry ida, i learned a lil bit and really enjoyed your images!!

    this will be fun for you, a lot of people i follow are joining in!!

  7. wow, you have been blogging for a long time. wow, i had no idea. you are an expert, right? ha. ha! just kidding. have a great weekend. i wonder if that cat is happy? or just talking loudly?

  8. I have baeen playing with my camera for years but never got into the technical aspects of it ... I pretty much point and shoot and then depend on my eye to be good enough to get a good capture. Your pictures, especially of the cat are awesome. I, like you, am a cat lover ... actually an animal lover which includes cats. My neighbor and I capture, spay and place cats that are dumped in our area. They are not really feral and can be handled after a minimum amount of coaxing. I enjoyed your post and your blog ... will come back when I have more time to explore. Be glad to have you stop by my blog and we can see where it takes us.

    Andrea @ From The Sol

  9. Lovely, Ida! I enjoyed reading about your family, and giggled about the sliding birthday cake :) Thanks so much for having us over today, and God bless!

  10. This is a lovely post Ida, and that shot of the cat is just awesome! We have quite a few feral cats in our neighborhood and I have been keeping food out for them. Not sure if any of them would ever tolerate being petted though. Very feral. It is great to know you in the blogging world,and will look forward to continuing to know you and see all of your great photos in the coming year!

  11. Thank-you so much for visiting my blog today! I really love when people blog about everyday life especially through photography, so I know I will enjoy visiting you here. I will definitely add a 'subscribe by email' to my sidebar.

  12. Thanks for coming by my blog and I have enjoyed reading through yours! Your photography is beautiful. We are both cat lovers too. I look forward to coming back and keeping up with your blog.

  13. It's been a pleasure to get to know you and your family Ida -- see you again soon! xo

  14. Thank you for telling about yourself, Ida! I always enjoy visiting your blog!

  15. Some lovely photos here Ida. I'm a cat fan (as you will see if you visit my blog) and that fierce kitty is so wonderful. It definitely has (c)attitude!

  16. Hello Ida, I love your blog. I am very drawn to blogs that use BIG wonderful photographs and I think you are a great photographer! I am looking forward to visiting you on a regular basis.....better click that follower button now :)
    Cath @ Bits 'n Bobs

  17. I've seen a couple of these "Grow Your Blog" posts now and I've really enjoyed them. I hope to visit more as time allows. Ida, your bird shot is one of your best bird shots yet. Keep it up!

  18. Hello Ida, I enjoyed my visit today. Your granddaughter is a beautiful young lady. The cat photo is priceless - and what a lovely kitty he or she is. I can tell you have a big heart for the animals.

  19. Great post, and a wonderful introduction for people who are new to your blog.

    Lots of great photos here. I love the cat - such an expression! (I'm not so sure it's ready to be petted yet!)
    Lovely picture of the birds, too and, of course, I always love flower photos! It's always fun to see Coleen, too. (I love that her jacket is the same colour as the slide!)

  20. Hi Ida, you have shred some wonderful photos and I too have an interest in photography. So glad I dropped in to say hello.

  21. Hey Ida, you are fantastic behind a camera, those icicle photos are incredible. I am so sorry that you lost your four legged friend. It looks like you have a lovely family. So nice to meet you.


  22. What gorgeous lilies. I like your photos. I'm a new follower.

  23. Hi Ida--thanks for visiting me via the GYB party :) You are a fantastic photographer--love the birds from this post, the berries and then the snow flurries from more recent posts. Glad to meet you :)

  24. Hi Ida--thanks for visiting me via the GYB party :) You are a fantastic photographer--love the birds from this post, the berries and then the snow flurries from more recent posts. Glad to meet you :)

  25. lovely blog - lovely photos - you have a very good eye - thanks for sharing.

  26. GYB party hopping, my first time in a blog hop and I just started my first blogging efforts. I don't have much blog time when i caught a glimpse of growing first. I got a Robo craft and cuttle bug last year and started studying about how to use it and what to use it on. but, and love all things creative. Inspiration is why i got into the blog party plus the chance to meet wonderful ladies. Thanks for letting me get to know you. Your photos are great, good job. But, you got me with your kitty expression. Never seen nothing like that one. He's definitely mad.

  27. Wow, Ida I loved finding your blog and enjoying some of your wonderful photos and stories :) I am a (late) GYB visitor... better late than never!

    Now following by GFC and Bloglovin. Greetings from New Brunswick, Canada :)


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