Saturday, January 25, 2014

Song-ography - The "Let It Go" Edition

For those of you stopping by for my "Grow Your Blog" post please click on the link HERE:  I have enjoyed everyone who has stopped by and left comments and also followed my blog. I have had fun visiting many of your blogs as well.

One of my favorite blogger friends and memes is Kathy (You'll Shoot Your Eye Out) and her meme,  SONGOGRAPHY  This weeks song is,  Let It Go, sung by  Idina Menzel from the movie, Frozen.  I have not seen this movie although I hear from Coleen that it's an "awesome" movie.  I did listen to the song and really liked it.  I think it's all about breaking free from what others may think of us and just being ourselves.  Here is my take on the song,

This morning as in the past two or three mornings we've had some frozen frost on the sidewalks and grass.  I was out this morning feeding the squirrels and birds when I happened to notice some bird tracks on the sidewalk.  I though it would make an interesting photo.  Of course I've sort of embellished it a little with the (bokeh) but I like how it turned out.  We can never re-trace the "tracks" of our lives at least in the sense that we can't undo the past and what we've done in our pasts.  We can only move forward and that's what I intend to do.

Thanks for stopping by.


  1. Hello Ida, I especially love this picture. Very creative to match this with the song. Have a nice day.

  2. True, the past is in the past and every new day is a new beginning...lovely interpretation!

  3. I just adore this song - your photo is gorgeous!

  4. What a neat picture!
    I heard that this movie is good also. :)

  5. Oh Ida I love that photo simply elegant little tracks and the song words perfect. B

  6. Excellent interpretation for this week's lyrics.

  7. good morning! oh such adorable footprints in the snow! I try hard to leave the past behind...but it is not always so easy! have a great day!

  8. Interesting pattern - I like the bokeh you added to it. Your photo provides a good reminder to make sure to notice the little things that we might often rush past. We've had a LOT of snow this winter. I'm feeling sorry for the birds!

  9. Such cute little bird feet these are! Hope you are having a great day!

  10. I love this photo. Well spotted and captured.

  11. Nice job! I've always found bird tracks to be amusing.

  12. Those are some sweet, little tracks.

  13. Those tracks in the snow make a wonderful photo! That's a creative take on this song. Have a great week and stay warm!

  14. Yes! I love how the tracks are moving away from what "was". How creative you are! Fabulous! Thank for both the kind words AND joining in on Song-ography!

  15. 'We can never re-trace our tracks' - you are so right there. We can't go back but we can look back and let go in order to truly move on.

    A beautiful edit to your original shot!

  16. The past is past and the thing I try most is to look ahead. Getting older it's too easy to look back, but I'm finding now a lot of fun. Wishes for a great day.

  17. we learn from every event, every moment, good or bad. i would not want to change one thing!!

    a beautiful image!!

  18. Great image to illustrate these words! I haven't seen the movie either, but I've heard and enjoy this song!

  19. Lovely image - very simple and very well suited to the song.

  20. What a lovely capture!

  21. Beautiful prints, beautiful song!


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