Thursday, January 2, 2014

Photo Art Friday - January 3, 2014

Welcome! - It's time for the very first Photo Art Friday of 2014. Bonnie (Pixel Dust Photo Art) is the wonderful host of this meme.  Be sure to pop by her blog and check it out.

 The optional theme this month was to choose a "word" that you would like to focus on throughout the coming year and showcase it in a piece of photo art.

For me I find it rather hard to pick a word out because I tend to live life more on a (day to day) basis and concentrating on a particular word just seems to take some of the excitement and mystery out of what may or may not happen in this year. 

At any rate I do think that the word in my piece is something that is achievable no matter who you are: (Be sure to click to Enlarge)

Amour  or LOVE as I am choosing is a perfect word.  I'm choosing to love more this year.  Love life, Love Others, Love God, Love Photography, Love Photo Art, Love Learning New Things ...well you get the picture.

Believe it or not the (heart) is this piece is actually a potato chip.  I  liked it's heart shape and put it on one of our dinner plates, photographed it and then played around with textures (Bonnie's Heartache by the Numbers) and some cool effects from Pic Monkey completed the look.

Thank you for stopping by.


  1. and I "love" this. My fave colors and I think I see one of Bonnie's textures that I really like. Just a beautiful composition!

  2. you achieved a gorgeous photo and you picked a perfect word. You can't go wrong with a year full of love.

  3. How creative and lovely! Wishing you and yours a nice weekend, Ida.

  4. It takes a good eye and some great artistry to make such a beautiful image from a potato chip!! Love how you used the texture to highlight the 'amour' in the middle of your 'heart'. Delightful piece.

  5. A pretty cool use of a potato chip!

  6. Your photo is very interesting. I wouldn't have guessed the heart was a potato chip! Love all the colors and textures.

  7. Such a fine post.
    Love is an impotant word and impotant to feel and impotant to recieve.
    All the best for 2014.

  8. when I saw your image my first word that came to mind was "starry night". And I love that! :)

  9. Interesting picture with beautiful lights and shadows, reflections and lines and wonderful colors !

  10. good for you, there is much to love and you are rich beyond words!!

  11. "Amour" is a beautiful word for the year, and what a gorgeous piece!! I love the colours and lights. And how funny to think it all started with a potato chip!

  12. A potato chip? Get out of town! See, you amaze me. Who would have thought? I love when you do photo art. This is a beautiful rise to the challenge, Ida!

  13. Lovely words and lovely photo and colours. Ha de gott.

  14. Wow, Ida! What you have accomplished with a potato chip, a texture and some digital fiddling is very cool.

  15. Wow, you did a great job of turning a potato chip into something even more delicious. (I love potato chips, or crisps over here)


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